you've changed him -Zach

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"You've changed him, I've seen it he even sees it. His different when it comes to you, he looks at you different and it's not about sex for him with you, he's in love with you y/n" those words ran through my head as I laid back in my bed, cuddled into Zach.

He was known as the fuckboy during school, parties, different girls every night, drinking it was a bad sight but when he saw me and wanted me it changed.

He put on his good guy act but me, I didn't want him, I didn't want to be known as one of those girl that just sleeps with him.

I wasn't

We fell in love, dates, fights, and still to this day he said with me. It's been about a year, now his image has been dropped and now he is known as y/n's boyfriend and I'm known as Zach girlfriend.

He's been different lately, he's leaving for college in a few months and I'll be here in this high school for another month, he is scared but he doesn't know what of, Well that's what he said.

But an hour ago when he was drunk he told me he was scared because he thought he would get drunk and cheat. He wasn't scared that there were pretty girls than me, because I was the best girl in his life, the only girl he sees but that didn't mean that when he has the drinks in his system that his old self wouldn't come out.

I tried to tell him that he wouldn't, he trusted himself not to cheat but he refused to believe that. That's when he told me, if he cheated he'd hate himself because the one person he ever wanted to treat like a mother fucking queen, he broke her heart.

He didn't want me to cry over him, he didn't want me to worry about me cheating on him, he told me that he wanted to marry me but break up during college because that's what sounded like the best options.

I told him he was crazy, he agreed because he was crazy about me.

After a while he quit crying, he quit talking crazy and now he's asleep, I knew he was going to wake up soon because he shifts around in bed, it's a way of waking up.

He turned and opened his eyes slowly, "hey baby" I smiled and kissed him "hey" I said back "I'm sorry" I looked at him weird "for?" He laughed a little "for being drunk, I know you hate it" I shook my head "you tell the truth when your drunk" he laughed.

He kissed me "I'll tell you anything you want to know right now" I smiled and nodded, "have you ever cheated on me?" He shook his head "absolutely not" he said so serious, I knew he wasn't lying.

"Did you ever want too" he shook his head no, "I don't need any other girl than you, never wanted one since I've met you" I smiled "so you miss the different kinds of sex with all different types of girls" he laughed, "no Your the best I've ever had".

"How do you really feel about college" he looked down at his hands, "I don't want to go and I don't want I don't want to hurt you if I make a drunk mistake." I nodded my head "don't drink to much" he nodded as he looked he was about to cry.

"I love you, like a lot babe" i smiled and gave him a quick kiss, "I love you more"

"You've changed me a lot more than I thought could ever happen, and thanks to you I didn't get an std" I laughed and he smiled "I'm serious, babe I've never been this serious with a girl before, I've never feel in love like I am with you and you've changed me for the better." I smiled.

"I want to marry you, like soon and I know you don't me to ask you when we are young but baby that's what I feel and I'll wait to ask you don't worry, this isn't what this is. I just want to know that you are loved by me and I'm going to marry you" I smiled.

"I wanna marry you too"

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