Pt.2 ^- zach •

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I sat in detention as Zach texted me about how unfair it was and how we could be spending time with together, after detention was over I got in my car as my baby started kicking

Zachy: are you coming over now?

Y/n: be there in ten

I drove to the bands house and got out as Zach rushed over to me, he pulled me into a kiss as things got heated "Zach she's already pregnant " I laughed as Zach grabbed my hand and we walked into the house "no hugs I feel gross" the boys all nodded as I laid my head on Zach's lap.

I closed my eyes as Zach rubbed my belly and ran his hands through my hair, I let out a small moan as Zach smirked and the boys looked at me weird "Sorry this is the best I've felt in months " they all nodded as I close my eyes again. Zach leaned down and kissed me, I turned on my side as Zach stopped playing with my hair "no baby play with my hair some more please" he ran his fingers through my hair and itched my scalp a little.

"So y/n how the little girl been treating you " I looked at the boys and rubbed my stomach, "she's been kicking all day and turning " Zach rubbed my belly as he put a pillow under my head, "Zach your going to make me fall asleep" he laughed as he kissed me again, "Well you deserve a nap I'm going to take care of my business in the bathroom I'll be back.

I started to drift off as I noticed none of the boys left, "you each can say one thing and hurry because she is kicking" they all got up in a hurry as I turned over to they could talk to my belly. "Hey girly it's all your uncles here and we just wanted to ask nicely to stop kicking momma because well she get rude, also well yeah that's all"

I let out a laugh as the guys stopped talking, "why'd Zach go upstairs " I laughed as they all looked at me, "um well girlfriend moan but he can't have sex with girlfriend so.... you put it together " the boys all left and didn't say anything as I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep.

I woke up due to having to pee, as I got up it felt as if I were cramping "baby help" Zach ran over to me and help me walk to the bathroom, "hospital after Okay, Okay" he looked at me worried as I went to shut the door but he stopped me.

"What's wrong baby" I did a little pee dance as I said fuck in a went pee with him and probably the rest of the guys looking at me, "nothing is really wrong it just hurts and doesn't feel right and the doctor said I could come in if I don't feel right " he nodded his head as he shut the door.

"Baby I need you to help me up please" he laughed as he opened the door and pulled me up, I pulled my sweats up and washed my hands, I walked out as I went to get in the car. "We are going to the hospital " the boys didn't say anything as we went and finally got called back.

"Okay mrs.herron what's happening today" I smiled and pretended not to hear him call me mrs.herron, "I just have these really bad cramps and they don't feel right" I pointed to where my cramps are as he grabbed the ultrasound machine. He put the gel on as he found the baby and the heartbeat.

Zach had a huge smiled as he heard his daughters heartbeat, "think it's cramps from an egg that drop you y/n are on you period and I think it's been long awaited to come " I looked at him weird. "I guess the eggs been in there for at least two months I don't know why you haven't gotten your period yet "

I nodded as I sat up, "also great to see you again Zach" I laughed as Zach shook his hand, the doctor handed me a napkin so I could wipe the gel off and we could leave. As the doctor walked out Zach kissed me "Okay mrs.herron lets get out of here so the boy quit freaking out.

"Did it bother you that he said that" Zach shook his head no as he help me off the bed, "no I'm jealous that I didn't think about calling you that sooner" I kissed him as we walked out and the doctor stopped us. "Here's the disk with the heartbeat and a video of your daughter have a nice day" Zach took it from him as we walked hand-in-hand to the car.

As we made it back to the bands house my mom called me "hello" I sat in the car as Zach looked at me waiting for me to grab his hands "so I talked to the teacher and you can start homeschooling Monday but you still have to attend Saturday's detention " I smiled at the phone. "Perfect, me and Zach just got back from the hospital nothings wrong I'm just on my period "

The other end of the phone was quite, "oh well if you want to and the boys allow you, you can stay with Zach tonight " I heard my dad try to object "shut up rob she is already pregnant what else could happen" I laughed as Zach looked at me weird.

"Mom I have to go I'll text you if I end up staying the night" I hung up as Zach looked at me, "Your staying the night" his face lit up as I shrugged "do you want me too?" He nodded yes so quick. "Let's ask the guys first okay" he nodded as he helped me out of the car

All the boys ran over to us "what happen is little grace here " I laughed as I pointed to my belly "period cramps, don't ask" they all nodded. "Did you already name my daughter grace " I looked toward Zach as I laid down on the couch as patted the seat for him to sit.

"It's a pretty name " the boys added as Zach gave me a peck, "grace is such a innocent name though" I said as I looked toward Zach and he looked at me funny "is our daughter not going to be innocent?" I laughed as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"She will, when she is young I mean look at her parents two teenagers " he looked as all the guys agreed with me, "no my kid won't be having sex at this age" I laughed as he looked at me "that's what my dad said too and now look"

"You can't use that we sat down with your parents and ask if we could have a kid, then asked if they thought maybe not a kid but if having sex at this age was okay and they Yes" I nodded showing I saw where he was coming from, "yes but they agreed with us because they knew we would just do it behind their backs "

"But she is going to be my innocent, sweet, babygirl" I kissed him as the guys laughed "I was a sweet, innocent, babygirl to my dad too and then I decided to have a kid with you... maybe she won't be a kid that sleeps around and she will be like us, in a committed relationship, and we both love each other. That's how my dad knew that letting us have this baby was the right choice "

Zach still looked shocked, "no she going to be locked away in her room forever" I rolled my eyes as I closed them waiting to fall asleep again, "she will never forgive you" he thought about it "better than he getting pregnant by a guy she doesn't love "

"Zach can I just got to sleep now" he nodded as I sat up, "Let's lay in bed so you don't wake up because your uncomfortable " we heard a bunch of awwws from the room. "That's why y/n's dad said he was okay with it if they had a baby because Zach always takes care of her. Y/n you can totally stay the night because we'll our already pregnant what's the worst that can happen"

We walked to Zach bed as he cuddled me and whispered sweet nothing into my ear giving me sweet gentle kisses on my neck till I feel asleep.

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