surprise -Zach

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Y/n: I'll be at the airport at ten am, please don't forget me 😂

Daniel: Zach's going to love us

Jack: I still don't understand why you just don't go on tour with us

Y/n: well I mean, there's a surprise for that reason too, anyway just come get me at ten am tomorrow and don't tell Zach.

I laughed as I fixed my bags and packed everything I needed, I was flying from Texas to la to see my boyfriend before he went on tour. Well I was joining him but none of the guys knew, they all wanted me to go but I had to say no because I need to go with another band to take pictures and record them on stage.

I work with little mix and when I found out that they weren't going to be needing me I went to talk to the boys manager to see if maybe I could help with pictures and stuff, I think the managers were happier than I was when I was told I could go with the boys.

Boys manager: we are so excited to see you 😃

Y/n: thank you so much for letting me come

I laughed as Zach started to FaceTime me, I hide all my bags and answered as I walked into the bathroom to get ready for bed "hey baby I miss you" I smiled at him as I saw some of the guys in the background "I miss you too baby" he blushed as one of the guys walked over.

"You know y/n this boy never shuts up about you"I laughed as I washed my face and put a face mask on. I smiled at the phone as I walked downstairs to get a water bottle to see my parents sitting at the table "is that the face mask I bought you babe".

I nodded as I took a drink of my water and put my phone against the wall so he could still see me, "You also bought me these pj" he smiled "Awe you look comfortable" I blew him a kiss as my dad walked over and waved.

"What's up Zach" I looked at my dad weird "Nothing much, what's hanging with you" he shrugged as I looked at Zach weird "when did you too start talking to each other like y'all are best friends?" They both laughed as my dad walked upstairs.

"Honey, you know how you were saving up to buy that camera for when you go on tour and you have better lens or something" I nodded at my mom "it's a lens not a camera" she smiled and pulled out a box. I looked at it with shocked look on my face.

"Wait we don't have the money for this" my mom nodded "yeah Zach got it for you" I looked at Zach as he smiled "what? I thought since you won't be taking photos of me you could take better photos of little mix" I smiled at him "thank you baby but you didn't need too"

"You couldn't shut up about waiting to use it I had to" I smiled even wider "Awe baby I wanna kiss you" he smiled "yeah I know the feeling" I laughed as I took my phone and we walked back up to the room.

I grabbed my camera out of my camera bag and put the lens on, "Baby it's dark outside what are you going to do" I laughed as I sat on the other side of the room from where my phone was sitting and quickly took a photo of Zach.

"I can't wait to use this on the girls" he smiled as I put it away and walked into the bathroom and took my face mask off, I brushed my teeth, moisturized and walked to lay on my bed "what are all the suitcases for? I thought you left after my three shows in Texas" I nodded.

"I do but remember I have that modeling gig next weekend in New York" he nodded "oh yeah, I thought you were leaving early" I shook my head no. "Where are the boys" he looked in there living room "I guess they all went to there rooms to sleep" I nodded.

"Well I'm going to go to bed" he whined "please stay up for like another hour, I really missed seeing your beautiful face and I'm not tried" I smiled at how cute he was "Awe baby okay another 20 minuets" he smiled at me as he hit his bed.

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