i miss you-Jack

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I was on YouNow while I was FaceTiming jack "babeee I miss you" I said as I blew him a kiss and looked at my comments "I miss you too babygirl" I laughed as I read a few more comments trying to find questions to answer "what do you miss about jack" I looked at him and laughed "I miss pulling his hair" jack laughed as I looked at him and he winked.

My eyes went wide as I looked at all my comments, "no no not like that guys geez dirty minded people" I heard jack and Zach laugh as I turn to the screen and saw both of them "babe you just ruined yourself " I looked at him weird.

"It's also ruining you too you know" he stopped laughing as Zach started to laugh harder, I turned to my computer and read some of the comments.

"Their a kinky couple I see"
"I bet she is pulling his hair when he is in between his legs"
"We know what's been going on when they see each other "
"So y/n does he have a daddy kink "

I laughed as I read the last one, jack looked at me "what" I shook my head still laughing "I can't text it to you but I'll tell you after I get off live if I remember " my mom walked in and waved.

"Momma can I borrow you phone" she nodded as she handed me her phone and I texted jack the last comment and then Deleted the text "I came in here to ask if he was flying out tomorrow or next Friday" I turned to jack as he just know got the text and laughed.

"Tomorrow, and I'll land there about 6:40/ 7 pm" my mom nodded as she smiled at me "why didn't you just use you computer to text him" I pointed to my YouNow as she laughed "I didn't see it" I looked at her weird as she read some of the comments.

"Should have hear what you y/n said earlier "
"You would not believe what y/n and jack be doing "

"What are you and jack doing" I looked at her and smiled, "FaceTiming he is literally on the screen " he nodded her head and pulled the screen back up to the comment and my face went red "oh cuddling" she rolled her eyes as jack looked confused.

"Condoms and birth control " I turned an ever brighter red as jack and started started laughing "mommm" she looked at me weird "what I don't want grandkids yet" I pointed to my computer which I had the YouNow on.

"What they should know to, alway have a condom on hand and don't forget to take birth control if you are sexually active because you never know if the condom breaks or if you forgot to use one of kinda helps" I rolled my eyes "mom stop we aren't having sex" she looked at me and did a double take.

"Oral sex" my eyes got wide, she looked towards jack as he was shaking his head yes, "you can still get STI's from that. I faceplamed "mom remember when I told that we weren't having any type of sex because I'm underage and he is 18 " she nodded and rolled her eyes.

"I'm not saying you two can't have sex, all I'm saying is that you should be safe when you do it jack laughed as my mom looked to him "sorry I wasn't laughing at that Daniel just walked in and got very scared"

"So what do y'all do when your in the mood, do you just get off and not tell each other" I looked at her and looked back at the broadcast.

"Wow mom goals"
"Oh that awkward "
"My mom heard her mom give her the talk now she is trying to give me the talk "
"I'm dying"
"We all know they fucking "
"What's the weirdest place you've had sex?"

"Okay mom I'll talk to you after my YouNow" she looked at me and sat down beside me, "talk to me now if you can say it in front of people why are you doing it" jack nodded and laughed.

"Fine, we together as of now are not sexually active. I've been taking my birth control and if we ever did do it we know to use a condom plus if one of us are in the mood I may have a little help from him but I'm in the mood a lot" I laughed as my mom nodded.

"She that wasn't to bad" I rolled my eyes as jack held back a laugh, "Baby I have to go something with the boys I'll call you tonight and I'll see you two lovely lady's tomorrow" he blew me a kiss as I blew him one and hung up.

"So when did you lose you virginity?" I let my jaw drop as I looked at my mom, "we are not talking about this" she laughed as I ended my broadcast.

"At least tell me who you lost it too" I turned to my mom and laughed "jack duh" she laughed and walked to my door "I know y'all are still having sex now don't play dumb with me" I laughed as jack called me back.

I answered it on my computer so I could do my makeup and talk to him, " hi baby" he was red in the face "Hey is your mom still in you room" I shook my head no as he gave me a thumbs up.

"They guys wanted to talk to us" I looked at him weird as he turned his phone to the guys and they were all smiling at me "what's up guys" they didn't say anything as Jonah picked up fluffy handcuffs, lube, and a sliky blindfold "we found these in jack's nightstand, well we didn't our lovely maid did" I let my jaw drop.

"Jack what the hell" he laughed "you said you wanted to try something new I was just waiting till you flew it here" they guys groaned "so they have never been used "I shook my head no "well obviously the lube has but nothing else yet"'jack winked as he guys pretend to throw up.

"Y/n, I need those heels I letting you borrow" I covered my screen as my mom walked in, "the black one are right over there" jack's eyes went wide remembering the night I wore those heels.

Let's just say we had a quick fun time in the why don't we bathroom "jack what's wrong " he shook his head "oh no nothing just y/n looked great in those heels last time she wore them, couldn't take my eyes off of her. " my mom smiled "good thing she is wearing them for prom this weekend" jack laughed.

"Yep good thing" she took the heels and walked out "don't say a word" I said as jack laughed, "did you at least clean them" I nodded my head "next time don't cum on my shoes" he looked hurt. "Next time catch all of my cum" the guys walked back in and then walked back out.

"Shut up dork" he laughed and blew a kiss, "god I can't wait to kiss you and your body" I laughed "Are you staying here or a hotel?" He though about it "I don't know do you think your mom will let you stay with me prom night or any night if I stay in a hotel?" I shrugged.

"Momma here please" I yelled as she can in a few seconds later "if jack gets a hotel can I stay the night with him prom night and the night after" she nodded "or he can stay here till prom and I rent you guys a hotel that night and the next" I smiled "thanks mom"

"Sound like a plan" he laughed and nodded.

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