mr. avery -Jack

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I sat in this stupid classroom once more, the only thing that made it better was mr.Avery but after this afternoon is won't be a class I would like to be In "good morning class, now if you would all have a seat that would be great".

I sat back in my chair as he went onto talking about whatever I was supposed to be listening too, but I was think about how I was going to tell him I'm pregnant, with his baby.

"Mrs. Y/l/n if you would mind pay attention" I sat up and nodded, "detention" I nodded and started writing what was on the board that o had missed.

As the bell rang I stayed back waiting for detention to start "you alright" I shook my head no as he closed the door and sat in front of the desk I was in. I started crying as he rubbed up and down my back "what's wrong" I looked up at him.

"I'm pregnant" his eyes went wide as he took his hand back "oh" I nodded "it's" he stopped me "mine, I figured your not a slut" I nodded as I cried harder. "It's okay, I'll be there for you and this baby, you graduate in a few weeks" I nodded.

"Your married" he rolled his eyes, "won't be soon" I checked the time and rolled my eyes "I have to go, I got an appointment" he nodded "for?"

"An abortion" I went to walked out as he grabbed my hand "please don't do it" I laughed as I wiped my tears from my cheeks "jack you'll get fired and you won't ever have a job" he nodded "we don't have to tell, you came to me for help and please don't y/n"

"Jack I have too" he shook his head, "Please I love you" I took my hand back as he stood up "jack...I-I- we can't remember" he nodded "please" I cried as he tried to hug me

"You don't understand" I went to walk out again as he grabbed me and kissed me "I love you, please" I shook my head "you have a wife" he nodded "a wife that's pregnant by my best friend" I kissed him.

"Let me think about it" he nodded.
I walked into last period, I sat down holding my tears in as all the memories flooded back to me, I walked to jack's desk "I'll stay after class to get some work turned in" he nodded as I sat back down and the room filled with tried high school kids.

"Good afternoon guy, today since we took of end of the year course test I thought we would have a day off, please don't get too loud" I pulled my phone out.

Mr.married: I can't wait, what do you think?

Y/n: your still married, I love you I honestly do but what are we going to tell my parents or when people ask. Don't worry he isn't the father just a teacher who really wanted to help me out after I got pregnant?

Mr.married: I'm 24

Y/n: I'm 18, your my teacher they won't care

Mr.married: people won't know I was your teacher

Y/n: but my parents will

Mr.married: I don't care what they think, I love you I'm leaving my wife

Y/n: jack

Mr.married: never mind it's your body do what you would like

Y/n: jack don't act like that

Mr.married: act like what?

Y/n: don't act like I'm just a random girl you met on the street

Mr.married: don't act you don't love me, don't act like you don't want me to be this baby's father or don't want to have a relationship with me.

Y/n: it's not like that at all

Mr.married: I want this baby, I want you

Y/n: we don't always get what we want

Mr.married: I'll give you any thing you want

Y/n: trust me jack, it won't work out

Mr.married we haven't even tried

Y/n: we don't have too.

Mr.married: Okay y/n, I guess you made up your mind but you wouldn't have told me if you didn't want me there for that baby and you

Y/n: I told you because you have a right to know

Mr.married: and I have a right to have a say in it

Y/n: jack please

The bell rang as I stood up and watched everybody walked out as he shut the door and blinds after. He walked over to me and didn't say anything but brought me into a passionate kiss "I love you please y/n" I cried as I looked his in his eyes.

"Too late, shouldn't have let me leave yesterday" I watched his face break "please leave, I'll see you in class tomorrow" he walked towards the other side of the room "jack"

"Mr.avery" I cried harder as I left his classroom and sat in my car, I saw his opened the blinds and throw something That's was on his desk across the room.

7 years later

I walked into the store with my seven year old son and ran into somebody, "I'm super sorry" I met eyes with jack Avery as his jaw dropped "hi" I said in a whisper as he looked at me with the same hurt face as he did seven years ago.

"Hi" he looked down glancing at mine and his son, it kills me to know that he doesn't know it's his "hope you happy with his father" I nodded "not in his life" he laughed "I would have been if you didn't make a stupid decision"
I looked down.

"I didn't do it" he looked at me weird "what?" I rolled my eyes and held back tears "I didn't make that stupid decision, I laid and he's yours" jack's jaw hit the floor.

"Don't lie" I nodded "I'm not jack"

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