CH 15 I'm A Powerful Demon And Your My Weak Human Mate

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Sorry it is so short but at least I got one post. I hope you like it.

I pressed my fingers to her head. I closed my eyes. Pictures start coming in my head. It was recently. It was at her home she was just coming from school. Her siblings arrived at the same time as her. They arrived in new Porsche and Lamborghinis. She has a used car that she fix herself. They go in at the same time and it has past a minute and it's already really dirty. Her step mother seeing them starts screaming at her telling to clean all that. Then it switches to one where she is studying and her siblings come and take her hard work ad ruin it. I see back wards how her siblings and her step mother seem to make her life miserable, but her father and the youngest child don't do that they treat her nice but they can't do it in front of the other. Then I see one where her step father gets mad at her step mother. So her step mother drink until she is drunk and starts beating her. She was to drunk to remember anything. I notice that in the car accident only her foster parents who gave her love died, not her biological parents. I see her at Kevin's house in his bed asleep next to him. Her eyes looking puffy. Her lips red and they still had cloth on. I see more abuse from some of her family, and her being hurt by Darwin. Then one that shocks me comes. It was from when she was younger. She was playing on the swing. When she saw a man with caramel brown hair and grey eyes that shine. He was tall and had cinnamon color skin. He didn't have lots of muscle but he look fit. He was very tall and he was one of those men that you would call beautiful. Then I see some boy push her off the swing. Then before she falls he puts his soft jacket under her looking like he hadn't move from where he was but I saw his shadow. He smiles when he sees that she is okay. Then I see his face turn as if in pain. Then he looks at me. Straight at me his eyes meeting my eyes. Then he mouth out. 'Help me. Help her for us. Your father knows who I am. Find me for her.' Then I was out of her head,

"What happened." Quincy asks. I debate on whether or not to help her.

"I can not believe I'm saying this but. I got to go see my father." He looked shock. Then Kevin comes in the room.

"Yeah we do have to find him. But not for her, we have to find out why if we help him she would be happy is he her brother." Kevin said.

"Wait what's happening here. Did you see in her memory." Quincy asked.

"Just for a little bit. When the man talk to her." Kevin said.

" That is impossible. Maybe he was just looking that way and talked." Quincy said.

"No he said my full name and mention my father." I said.

"Well maybe there was an Isabella at the park where you standing and he was talking about her father." Quincy said stupidly.

"No. My memory of him never happened like that. He would just look at the forest then turn and leave. He never talks."

"See so I have to go see my father." Then I think children see their parents being held. "Is it possible to see memories of when she was just a baby."

"Yeah but it's a lot harder. But you also might only see her mother and she died."

"No her foster parents died in that car accident. She has never seen her biological parents." I looked at Cortney she looked so depressed. "Is it okay if we see that part of your memory." She nods. I place my fingers on her forehead and close my eyes. All I see is darkness nothing else. Then a picture blinks in and stays just enough time for me to know that not in this realm then it disappears. I open my eyes. "Have you ever been to my realm."

"No, but I have seen it in my dreams with that man. He took me there."

"How does he know about that exact place."

"He told me from inside my head." What she says makes my knees weak. I fall. Now I'm kneeling and looking at Cortney. How could it be. How could she look so different. Why can't I see her real face. I try standing up but I can't so Kevin helps me.

"What's wrong Bella." I shake my head.

"Nothing." I try to stand up and this time I do. I look at her face. What happen to her tanned skin. To her dimples to her black hair. "How could you look so different. Did someone change you."

"What's wrong." Quincy asks. "Who is she." I stay quiet just looking at Courtney's features. "Kevin can you read her mind."

"I'm trying to but she is blocking me." I just look at her and then hug her tightly. After I let go I see she is shocked but I see her real features.

"You're here." I say with tears of happiness falling from my eyes. "Alive."

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