"You need to explain to me again why you decided to not date him."

Start from the beginning

What the hell am I doing? Like I should really care what I look like. Hunter is just here as our sponsor. It's not a social call.

Get a grip!

I opened the door and my grip loosened immediately. I felt myself groan involuntarily, and considering that his smile got even bigger, I'm pretty sure that he heard me.

Hunter stood at the front door wearing a tight dark red T-shirt, black running shorts and black tennis shoes. The shirt matched his wavy red hair almost too perfectly, and the toned chest and arms were magnificent. His legs and thighs were sculpted and smooth, and his face, relaxed into an easy going spirit that could make actual birds sing.

However it was his eyes that got me really thinking about dirty things. His eyes were almost too bright, and almost too green to be of this world. Like he somehow had been able to turn some magical dial on the side of his perfect head and crank up the saturation of his irises to an eleven.

"You may want to close your mouth, Jackrabbit," he said, giving me his amazing wink. "The bugs in LA are enormous."

I shut my mouth, feeling stupid that it had been hanging open. "Sorry," I said, letting him inside. "I was expecting you to be wearing something...different. I have no idea why I assumed that."

Hunter chuckled as he passed me, and I almost hated myself for checking out his ass.


It was just a toned as the rest of him, which I should not have been surprised at all about.

At least this time when he turned back around I was ready and I wasn't caught. He placed his hands on his hips and did a few stretches.

"Did you just call me Jackrabbit?" I asked, smiling myself.

"I did," he said now bending his knees, "Sorry, mate. Hope you don't mind. I'm kind of fond of nicknames, if you haven't noticed already."

"I had noticed," I said. "Any reason for Jackrabbit, specifically, other than the "Jack" part of my name."

"Sure," he said, his face looking at mine as he continued to stretch, "You're bouncy, and you have amazing facial hair. Plus you're incredibly cute, fast on your feet, and...well..."

He stopped and chuckled to himself.

"Well, what?" I asked, my face feeling as red as his his shirt.

"It's kind of inappropriate, to be honest."

I giggled and took a couple of steps towards him. "You have seen my channel right? I think that I can take a bit of inappropriate."

"I can just tell that you have the energy of a rabbit in bed. No disrespect meant, but you did drag that last part out of me."

I felt that same lurch of my loins.

"I should go get Mark," I said quickly and headed out of the room.

-Mark's POV-

Jack zipped into the room looking like he was in fear of ripping something apart.

"You ok?" I asked, my eyebrows raised.

"No, I am not," he said, slightly breathless. "Hunter is down there in shorts. I think that I need a cold shower."

"He can't look that -"

"Go down there and see for yourself," he said, looking annoyed at my reaction. "I'm surprised that he didn't melt the paint off of our walls with as how hot he looks."

I rolled my eyes and finishing up some final touches, headed downstairs and saw him, his back turned, doing full jumping jacks in our dining room.

Oh my God.

I looked over at Jack, my eyes wide.

"See?" he whispered. "It should be a crime to look that good in jogging shorts. An actual crime, with like handcuffs and...oh Jesus now I'm imagining him in handcuffs."

Jack turned a bright scarlet color around his face.

I laughed, and making sure that my eyes were still firmly in my head, continued to head down the stairs.

"Hey Hunter," I said as casually as I could. "Using our house as a personal gym? We usually charge for that."

He stopped his jumping jacks and turned around, his face perfect and smile brilliant. "I'll gladly pay the fee, Fishbowl. Especially with all the other gorgeous gym members I get to look at."

He always has been able to one up my jokes. Almost as good as Jack.


"But in all seriousness," he said giving me a hug, "I wore this get up just to see if I could interest you and Jack in a jog before we get to the working. It's been ages since we jogged together. You still a jogger, right?"

"I am," I said smoothly. "Jack, not so much."

"Oh, that's a shame Jack," he said, looking at him. "I assumed that you were, considering your physique. Must be good genetics then...or that bed energy that I was talking about before."

He smiled and winked at Jack again, and Jack's face somehow got even redder.

"So, is it ok if I steal Fishbowl away from you for a bit?" he asked Jack, his green eyes sparking again. "Just for a bit of the college nostalgia?"

"I don't mind, no," said Jack, his voice somewhat higher than usual. "I'll make us all some sandwiches for when you both get back."

"Wow, you cook too, Jackrabbit?" he said, looking impressed. "You're a national Irish treasure!"


"I'll head up and get changed," I said. "I'll only be a few minutes."

"I have great company while I'm waiting," Hunter said, his eyes glancing over to Jack again.

Jack looked like he was going to burst with so many compliments in such a short period of time.

I chuckled, and headed back up the stairs, hoping that I had at least something fairly decent to wear for our jog.

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