Chapter 37: These Damn Mystic Falls Boys

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"Allison Gilbert?"

The said girl at her locker, keeping still as she listened in to two girls' conversation behind her. "Yeah. Apparently Tyler went crazy and beat up Matt at the party because he saw her with someone else."

"But I thought they were just friends." The other girl says confused, which caused the first girl to scoff. "Well, she was holding his child so..." There was a pause before she added. "Yeah, and someone told me that she purposely killed it 'cause she couldn't take the embarrassment. I mean, who does that."

Allison hadn't realized how pissed she was becoming until she slammed her locker shut, a slight dent on it from where her hand had been gripping it. But she just ignored it, her jaw clenched as she headed to class, sinking down in her seat. She honestly thought this would all be gone by now. And she hadn't been to school since before it all happened, so she wasn't sure if it went around... but this was a new different for her. She's never been gossiped about... especially like this.

The brunette got snapped out of her thoughts when someone else entered the class. "Sorry I'm late." She looks up as Bonnie makes her way over to the seat between Elena and Allison, as Alaric nods. "Welcome home, Bonnie." She sits down sending Elena a small smile, but then she sent Stefan a slight glare, before she then turned and gave Allison a smile, which the younger girl returned.

After class ended, Allison ran to catch up with Bonne, wrapping the girl in a tight hug. "Hey, I didn't know you'd be back."

"Yeah, sorry, I've just been dealing with a lot." Bonnie said with a sad smile, and Allison nodded in understanding as she pulled back. But then she noticed a group of girls looking over at her. Allison couldn't hear what they were saying, but she definitely had an idea. 

Bonnie looks over at them and they scatter, so she looks back at her best friend confused. "What was that about?"

"It's my first day back in... a while." Allison sighed, and Bonnie gives her a concerned look, already getting it. "Is it-"

"Bonnie." Elena walks up to them, and Bonnie awkwardly nods. "Hey."

"Hey, um, I tried to grab you after class but you had already taken off. How are you? How's your family?" Elena asks in genuine concern, and Bonnie glances at Allison before answering. "We're dealing. It's been hard."

"Everyone here really missed you." Elena says, and Bonnie nods. "Yeah, I've just had so much to deal with after Grams' funeral. And honestly, after you told me the tomb spell failed, I just didn't really want to come back."

"I hope that you understand why I called and wanted you to know before you came home." Elena gives her friend a look, and Bonnie just shakes her head slightly. "I understand why. I just wish I didn't know."

"I know it's been really hard-"

"Bonnie!" Caroline cut Elena off as she ran up, wrapping Bonnie in a tight hug. "Bonnie, thank god you're home!" The blonde then pulls back, "I know we talked everyday, but I missed you. How are you doing?"

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