Chapter 7: Admitting It

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Allison gasped awake, sitting straight up with a pounding headache. She put her hand to her chin, feeling the dried blood, then her hand went to her nose. The girl held in a groan as she stood up, wiping the blood off her nose, and looked around, seeing Tyler and Jeremy both sleeping in different chairs. Man do I have the best heroes, Allison silently chuckled.

But her small smile vanished once she remembered what had happened. Allison scowled, storming out of the room and heading towards the front door. "I'm gonna kill him."

"Allison?" Tyler grabbed her arm, and Allison turned back towards him as he looked over her confused. "You're okay?"

"Yeah." Allison nodded, forcing a smile. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you guys. I- I think I tripped."

"I know you didn't trip." Tyler narrowed his eyes at her, taking a step back. "And what did you say? Who are you gonna kill?"

"It's a figure of speech, Ty." Allison nervously smiled, still lying her ass off. "I was just saying that because I- I tripped looking for- for Damon."

"Why are you lying?" Tyler shakes his head, and Allison gave him a look, scoffing. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Fine." He was now pissed, "You know the way out."

"Ty-" Allison tried, but he shook his head. "I'll go wake up Jeremy. We were both waiting to hear what happened. Maybe he'll have better luck than I did." He then stormed off and Allison groaned, shaking her head before heading outside and pulling out her phone.

"Hello, little banshee." Damon picked up immediately. "Nice to hear that you're awake."

"Shut it, Damon." Allison snapped, hissing out bitterly. "What the hell did you get us into?"

"Why do you assume that it was me?" He questioned, pretending to be offended, and Allison rolled her eyes as she looked over in the driveway, realizing that Jeremy and Tyler must've driven her car back here. "Because of your stunt with Mason Lockwood." She then took a second, "Did he do this?"

"Look, if you come to the boarding house, then I'll explain everything. Plus, Caroline needs you." He added the last part with a sigh, and Allison's anger turned into concern almost immediately. "Why? What happened? Is she okay?"

"Just get down here." He hangs up.

Unknown to the girl, though, Tyler had been listening to her part of the conversation before heading back to wake up Jeremy.

Allison looked over at the house just as Jeremy came out, and she basically rushed him to her Jeep. The girl basically sped to their house, dropping him off, before she sped to the boarding house.

"Is she alright?" Allison asked, bursting through the door and seeing Caroline sitting on the couch. Allison walked over to see that she was crying, causing the brunette to frown. "What happened, Care?"

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