Chapter 16: Stop The Car!

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Allison woke up feeling a bit out of it, her mind fuzzy as she slowly opened her eyes - before quickly shutting them again to shield her from the sunlight. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she sat up with a grunt, but then she remembered what had happened - causing her eyes to shoot open and she looked around the empty old room. The girl was confused, the only things in the room was a simple clean white bed, which matched the white painted walls.

She was confused, especially as she looked down over herself, standing up carefully as she lifted up the simple soft gray blue t-shirt she was now wearing - which wasn't what she had been wearing. This shirt was a guy's - and from spending the summer with him, Allison already knew that it was Klaus'.

The girl could see that there was nothing left from getting stabbed - no blood, no mark, no scratch - nothing. Then she brought a hand up, noticing that all her injuries were healed up completely, but that still didn't mean she was completely healed.

She could feel the aching and soreness throughout her body, but that didn't mean she moved back to rest.

Allison cautiously headed out of the room and down some old stairs, glancing around in confusion and worry at the hybrids moving around the big mansion house, and they all just seemed to ignore her. Which made her now just curious and confused, as she moved through the house, also taking note that she was completely cleaned up from when she was stabbed. Even her hair was cleaned, and the blood that had been on her golden necklace that Damon gave her, was now washed off.

Once the girl saw the front door, she quickly made a move to it but got stopped by the painfully familiar British voice. "Good, you're awake." When the girl turned to look at him, Klaus just smirked. "Wouldn't want you to be late for school, love."

Allison was way more confused now, her eyebrows pulling together as she shook her head. "You kidnap me... only to let me go to school?"

"Technically, I didn't kidnap you." Klaus moved over to her after picking up something, "I saved your life."

Allison dryly scoffed, "You didn't save me - You're the one who put my life in danger again!"

"Now, now. Better keep that tone down." Klaus just shook his head as he brushed a strand of her naturally wavy hair from her face and behind her ear, all while Allison was giving him a death glare and clenching her jaw shut, before he then handed her the bag - her backpack. "I've already acquired your school items."

Allison hesitantly took her school bag, still confused at what his angle was, but then he began walking away. "Oh, and everything's in there so there's no need to go back to your house. Besides, I think you look quite... exquisite in my shirt."

The girl just rolled her eyes and headed out of the house, briefly stopping when she saw her Jeep in the driveway, but that made her check her bag to look for - yep. Car keys were there. Now the only reason she'd head home was to change, but after checking her phone and seeing the time, she knew that she would be late for school if she did that.

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