Chapter 18: Halloween Fights

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After getting ready for the Halloween party and putting on her red riding hood costume, Allison headed to the party. She had picked up Jacob but once they got to the school, she headed over to the girls while he headed towards his other friends. But when she saw Caroline take Tyler's drink, she grinned. "Careful, Care, the Lockwood punch is intense."

"Says the girl who downed six last year." Tyler raised an eyebrow at her, before looking over her outfit. "Aren't you supposed to be a witch like the others?"

"Watch it, Lockwood." She teased, showing the sword strapped to her waist. "I'm Red Riding Hood, the hunter."

"Cute, but I think I could beat you." Tyler challenged, causing Allison to roll her eyes. "Whatever." But then she glanced between him, Caroline, and Bonnie. "I'll be back, but I should probably go find Elena and Jeremy."

"At least have a drink." Tyler holds out his cut towards her, and Allison looked at the cup, before hesitantly taking it and taking one drink before passing it back, knowing that she definitely wasn't a lightweight. "That's it."

She then waved at them before heading more into the school, searching for her brother and sister, but when she saw Matt, she smiled. "Hey, Matty-boy."

"Hey, Alli." He rolled his eyes at the nickname she gave him when they were younger, and she then asked. "Have you seen Elena?"

"Yeah, she took off looking for Jeremy. She started to freak out when I said Vicki was here." Matt shrugged, and Allison's eyes widened as her stomach dropped. "Vicki's here?"

"Yeah, why? What's wrong?" He asked worried but Allison just took off, her mind instantly going to that she should've brought a stake instead of the sword. But then the brunette stopped herself, shaking her head at herself, reminding herself that she didn't want to hurt Vick. 

Suddenly, her head starts to pound and her vision looked blurry, it was almost like she was drunk, but that couldn't be the case because she only had a sip. Allison stumbled, bumping into a couple people as she started to hear the whispers again. The whispers telling her that someone was gonna die tonight. 

Everything began blurring together as the crowded room began getting to her, and it felt like it was getting really hot as her pounding head got worse. She stumbled through the crowd, trying to shake it off, but it was only getting worse. 

Once outside, she stumbled and fell to her hands and knees, closing her eyes. A couple people had noticed her, but only one got worried. Tyler quickly rushed to her side, hands going to her shoulders as he tried to make sure she was okay, but Allison couldn't hear him. 

Her head was spinning as it was like she was hearing what was gonna happen. She heard someone scream, she heard something wooden break, the sound of metal clanging on the ground, then she heard "Alli!", then "No! Stefan, don't!".

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