Chapter 16: Marked

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Allison let out a groan as she began waking up, her head pounding as she looked up, seeing that she was now on her bed. Which confused her since she remembered passing out by the door. But she just ignored it since it felt like bad hangover plus a shooting pain in her neck, meaning she was getting even more pissed at Damon. But that's also when she remembered everything that had happened, causing her to quickly grab her phone, but Stefan didn't answer. The young brunette was about to leave but then she realized that she was still in the same clothes as yesterday, including all the blood. So, with an annoyed breath, she went into the bathroom and took a quick shower before going back into her room and changed into comfier clothes.

She then grabbed her keys and phone yet again, remembering that her bag had been left in her Jeep, so she then rushed downstairs while on the phone. "Come on, pick up, pick up, pick up." But he didn't, causing her to groan loudly, which then earned a voice to grab her attention. "Where are you going in such a hurry?"

Allison turned around to see Jeremy on the couch giving her a questioning look, to which she just shrugged off. "Uh, have you seen Elena?"

"Yeah, I think she went to meet with Stefan at the Grill." Jeremy states with a nod, so Allison briefly thanked him before quickly going outside and to her vehicle. But once she got in and started the Jeep, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and scowled. Saying she looked like shit would be an understatement. The brunette pulled the emergency makeup bag out, which she always had in her vehicle, and began making herself not look like she'd been a meal for a psychotic vampire and making it look like she had actually gotten a goodnight's sleep. 

The last thing she did after being okay with how she looked, was attempting to cover up the mark on the left side of her neck, which was now more like a faint white scar that only seemed noticeable if you were actually looking for it, but also, if you looked at it, the skin around it almost looked irritated. But once she was done with the makeup, it wasn't noticeable whatsoever.

The brunette then drove to the Grill, walking inside and quickly glancing around, but not seeing Elena or Stefan, she headed over to the bar where Scott was on the other side of. "Have you seen my sister?"

"Not today. But I did just get in like an hour ago." He shrugged, so she nodded, and with that, left. She got back into her car, beginning to drive again as she tried to think as to where they could be, but then it was like her subconscious knew exactly where to go. And soon enough, she was parking next to Elena's car in the middle of the words. 

Allison quickly got out of the vehicle and rushed over to Stefan and Elena as Stefan was unwrapping a cloth in his hand, showing the familiar ring. "Stefan, you can't give that back to him."

"I have to, Allison." He shakes his head, so the green eyed brunette looked towards her sister. "Come on, Elena, you can't seriously agree with this."

"Sorry, A, but I do." Elena grimly nods her head, causing Allison to throw her arms out as she exclaimed. "Do you two love-idiots not understand how much danger you'll be putting everyone in?"

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