Chapter 9: Prove Loyalty

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Allison leaned against her bedroom door, letting the tears finally go down her cheeks. Mason was dead. Jenna was in the hospital. It all just didn't seem real to her. Like she was stuck in slow motion while the world was going fast. Too fast for her to comprehend. Too fast for her to protect the people that she cared about. She already had enough guilt eating up at her... and now... she couldn't even bring herself to go to the hospital.

The young brunette turned to lean her head against the cool wood of the door as she locked it. Allison squeezed her eyes shut as a sob racked her body and she dropped to her knees.

The conversation she had with Damon still fresh in her head mind. Allison had walked back to Tyler's house since her car was there, and it was dark. Damon had shown up right in front of her, after she got the call from Ric. "Allison, I am so sorry. I was the one who riled her up, causing her to make a move."

"Just leave me alone." Allison said, trying to go around him, but he stops her by grabbing her arm, which just caused Allison to yank away from him. Tears shone in her eyes from the news she had just received, as she also felt her cheeks heat up. "Don't touch me." He seemed shocked by the girl's reaction, since Elena had had a different reaction to his apology.

Allison then bitterly asked, "So, was it worth it?"

"I don't-" He begins, confused, and Allison shoved him, her anger showing through now. "Killing him. Was it worth it?" Damon's expression showed his realization, then the guilt, as Allison roughly shoved him again. "You killed him! What? Were you jealous that now he was in bed with Katherine? Were you just trying to get under her skin? Because it worked. Trying to be ahead of her- trying to beat her- Damon, it's not going to work. And now, Jenna is in the hospital and Mason is dead. And both of them I failed. I know that there was no way I would've been able to help Jenna, but I could've stopped you."

"Allison-" He tries, but the brunette brought her hand up to slap him, anger boiling in her veins, but Damon caught her wrist. "Allison, calm down. Please, just calm down."

Allison pulled away from him again, feeling sadness replace the anger as she finally met his eyes. "Did it even matter to you? Has nothing I've been saying- did I even pop into your mind? At all, when you were killing, not only an innocent man, but someone I cared about?" She then took a shaky breath, "Of course it didn't."

Allison took a step away from him, "We got the moonstone, by the way. Hope that stupid rock is worth all of this."

"Allison-" Damon tried once again, but Allison smacked his hand away as she shook her head. "Leave me alone. And by that, I mean, don't speak to me. I'm done with this. All of this. I'm done with you."

Allison felt more tears stream down her cheeks as the memory came back to her from barely an hour ago.

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"I didn't think you were going to come." Stefan said as he let Allison in, and she walked in with a breath. "You want to kill Katherine and I want to help protect everyone. But once she's dead, then I'm out. Completely." Allison didn't even wait for Stefan's response, she just walked over to the table where Alaric was showing them how to use some of the weapons he had.

After a few minutes, Ric hands Allison a weapon that goes on her forearm. "Here, try this." He helps put it on her wrist, explaining. "With enough force, it'll eject a stake." He then steps back, gesturing for her to try it on the wall. With a sigh, Allison walked over to the wall, bringing her fist back and punching the wall.

The room was silent when she stepped back a bit surprised, not only did both stakes eject, but her had took out a chuck in the wall. "Well," Caroline speaks up, "I'm never getting on your bad side."

A while later and Ric gets ready to leave. "Are you sure you guys don't want me there tonight?"

"No." Stefan answers, and Allison spoke up. "I need you to stay with Elena, please." She then glanced over at Stefan, who adds. "And we don't want her to know about this."

"Okay, well, I'll make sure she doesn't leave my sight." Alaric says and Stefan nods, before looking around at the group. "Alright, if anybody wants to back out, I'll understand."

"Cold feet is a big downer and I don't want this going wrong if someone chickens out." Damon adds in, then looks towards the blonde. "Caroline?"

"I won't." Caroline said, "She killed me. Fair is fair. As long as there's not werewolves running around."

"Oh, don't worry." Allison spit out bitterly, sending a certain vampire a glare. "Damon took care of Mason."

"As long as Tyler doesn't kill anyone, he won't turn." Jeremy speaks up and everyone nods, before Stefan looks over. "Bonnie, you with us?"

She nods, but then meets Stefan's eyes. "But no one gets hurt."

"Except Katherine." Damon butts in, and Allison rolled her eyes, earning Damon's attention. "Well, what about you, Allison?"

The brunette stood up straighter, glaring at him. "What about me?"

"Are you going to get cold feet?" He questioned, standing up but Stefan puts his hand out to keep him back, saying his name in a warning tone. "Damon, back off." But Damon just shoved his hand away, walking closer to her. "I mean, Katherine is technically your last relative."

"Are you seriously questioning me?" Allison shot at him, and he nods, his eyes narrowing at her. Allison glared at him, "I will kill anyone who hurts my family. My real family." She had glanced towards Jeremy, her brother, before looking back at the vampire. Then Allison took a step closer, bringing her arm up, hitting him roughly in the stomach. "Even you."

When she took a step back, he grunted in pain, pulling out the two stakes that had ejected from the weapon Allison still had on her wrist, since Alaric had given her that and a dagger. She then glanced at Stefan, "Am I good to go now? Or do I have to prove my loyalty?"

"No, Damon was out of line." Stefan sent his brother a glare, before looking back at her with a nod. "You know the plan." She nodded and headed out of the boarding house, still fuming. She couldn't believe Damon would actually challenge which side she was on. She wasn't him. She wouldn't get a better offer and turn down the people who trusted you.

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