Chapter 10 (Salim: An innocent one; missing)

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The worst thing in your life would be thinkin'; especially when you don't get solution; your brain gets ruptured, like someone has stretched it. Same, they were with no progress, no success, they there wasn't a time for giving a sit on sofa with a soft cold drink and to think intentionality with a cold mind with all ice filled in it.

On the way to home, Alex said something that was a remarkable thing, and should be highlighted.

"How it can happen? All the things are there in the video clip but except me, the UFOs and the Alien. Everything how?"

"These things are acquaintance for me and don't ask me; neither I'm part of this nor I've all faced it," It was and it is you, from whom I'm here, walking in sun and the temperature of almost 28," Said Kevin in a silly voice, although his brain was blocked and not working.

"So, what? Why you all guys are getting upset our mission is still on our way and what if we get failed in one mission there are MANY... And yes Kevin, have walked 5km in Rajasthan, when the temperature was above , by my own foot, when I was eight," Lakshay said, being cooler than Alex and Kevin. Lakshay again started telling an idea. "Let's go to my home and then think there, by cool mind also it is closer from now as compared to all yours," They shuffled ahead and moved their legs.

When they went to Lakshay's house with a bloom coffee and a cold drink. The ideas were coming as similar to as the train comes at a station and the passengers goes in it. The passengers were who the listeners of the idea were. Perhaps!

"Why don't we find those people who had watched that UFO and Aliens? Thus, we'd properly be able to find the solution for it," said Alex, jumping on his feet beneath. And then followed by Lakshay and Kevin.

"Your idea is very much useful and good but why not we start with the things that are in our limit? Like people said if someone wants to become an author he'd first try to pick up a book, then think writing short stories then begin with books or novels," told Lakshay.

"But it's not the right time to write any book, we're here to solve a quest or mystery. Why not we should find any other, who's different? And after we'll completely solve it, we'll write a book, bout all our story." Interrupted Kevin, although he was silent for hours.

"Your ideas are entering my brain, but not properly, I think so that we should forget them and ignore them, if something happened to us then we will again try to ignore," said Alex the words he know he shouldn't tell. "I agree you," said Lakshay by making a face like monkey, A monkey's face is always like, he has agreed something. As always.

"Are you all gone mad it's not the time to ignore something it's the time to do something extraordinary in life, to find the solution, We'd do it, enjoying," revolted Kevin.

"I also agree you," again a repetition could be seen in his word. CUT, PASTE, DELETE! "Oh! Maybe...!? I got an idea you'll be glad after listening that we can send someone to search and investigate there. Then, we would be able to observe something good and helpful for us." Exclaimed a helpful idea, by a non- helpful person. The teller was Kevin. Off-course, what might someone'd've said at an young age, when people starts thinking about their life.

"Yes this time I properly agree with you 'cause this is amazing and a fabulous idea. " Lakshay, waved his head in a weirdo motion type. But some doubts were eating Alex and just for the sake of clearing them, he asked. "But what do you mean? You want us to go there or you want someone else either?" Kevin retorted without thinking.

"How can you expect me to send you there? I know a person. Salim, he can do this and also he is perfect in investigating, he will take fees not much nearly a 1000 INR,"

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