Chapter 24 (Now, from here our story starts)

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Two steps more and one step backward. Two steps again more and a step again back. This was the overall repetitive thing done by them.

Just shuffling their legs ahead, more and back, less, but still there was a place for 'Fear' inside their heart.

Doubts; many, but not asking, anything and anyone. Fear; everyone's having, no one is showing. Terror; externally, not internally. Enthusiasm; a little bit having. Capability and eligibility; 100%, but losing hope.

99.09 per cent of their brain was filled with the questions, like that. The leftover 00.1% was the positive, good thinks, they'd think, which let them to come here. So far!

"What?" No one knows, what lies under deep there!' Said Alex after a silly question, being asked to him.

Lakshay nodded, and showed some signs, inside him for getting tired of something. "We're walking since! And then, we've not even reached 50% of the place. Didn't you know the correct position of the place, we are in journey of?" He asked sigh.

"Noop! We're gonna reach soon. It's just a Km ahead! And I never have been there, so don't know!"

They started shuffling again, pretending, they're the first children, on this earth, who even don't properly knows— 'How to walk?' "Once all this is end, I'll be able to take breath!" Muttered in mind, Lakshay.

Was heard by Kevin and he said. "Me too! I often used to live normal days of my life! And yet this all happened, I didn't get much time for taking part in other activities. Thinking of writing a book, by my own this summer vacations!"

Passing and talking when they reached ¾ of the distance. They didn't knew.

"Gonna write a book?" Asked Lakshay, as thinking it as hard task, obviously and apparently, it is!

"It's not that easier task! First you'd have to think so much and in that think, 'where to begin' this all would be over. You'll first take 2 days, then a month and your clock can stop on 1 year. Now your current age— 12! When you'll start writing— 13! When you'll complete? At the age of fifteen. Now waste more years in publishing. Nearly 10 years, it'd be! So then you'll be at 25!"

"Despite, writing a short story, you came to a book! You're thinking you can complete it, in your summer vacations? Na! Then, you'll be at 25!"

Conversation ended.

Alex watched them, talking so hilariously and in a funny way.

"We're here now! At last we visited! The forest! Look for that person, with scar, if necessary; you'll see him, just shout whenever and I'll be there!" Talked fluently.

Neither Lakshay nor Alex, Kevin so far! They haven't faced something disastrous like this before. It was their first time. So they'll have to manage and bear a lot.

Alex started looking towards the tree; the tree was making him awkward. He hasn't seen any tree before. "Woa! Never such thing, I saw in my life. Promise!" He said.

Groaned Kevin. "What's there? Is it kind of tree, leaves or what?"

"Nothing's here! Just a tree, with the leaves coming out from roots and the soil, being stuck in the place of the leaves. Looks like god forgot to give away the correct placement of them." Barked Alex and again looked of something.

The soil all over the forest was wet. It remains wet and moisture throughout the year. It's because; UNKNOWN AND STILL TO BE FOUND.

He thought of this matter first and then, an idea stuck in his mind. 'Maybe because of rain?'

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