Chapter 96 (Planet AxAmAtRe xyz 1-2-3)

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It came to the end, when they opened their eyes serenely and slowly. Still, in that circle only. But there was a change in the circle, or maybe a providential chance; to get put of here!

"What's that?" Asked Keven, still lying on the circle, going unenthusiastic.

"What's what?"

"Can't you see, anything red just there?" He moved his first figure there and gestured.

"Yes! Is it a kind of button or what? Because it looks similar to as a big button! Let's go! Why are we sleeping?" At last Alex's eyes eyed it.

They nudge Lakshay softly and told them about that red button or something, just 200m to them.

It was bit seen properly and was somewhat blur, because it was too far, but not that much of far.

They lift themselves and went there. "What's it?"

The thought was true, it was a button and was like it seemed to be a door open.

"Who'll open it?" Asked Alex, with an open mouth.

"You" both them, replied at same time.

Alex knew, he didn't have to worry or anxiety. So he moved his hands slowly and fighting with others, in just easier tasks everyone can do.

The hand came closer and closer, he put out his middle finger and pressed that hardly.

For a while movement; nothing happened, but as for waiting a second. A light came and silence felt everywhere, in the place.

Finally they found themselves, in a new planet!

It was similar to as an earth, nothing was changed, that green grass, but a bit longer, that sun rising up words and a river flowing ahead of them. But there was somehow temperature different. It was nearly more than 40°+. They didn't bear anything hot like this before...

But Lakshay? He has eligibility to bear all this, as he was from India and the temperature of India, daily in summer is always more than 30°.

The mountains, huge mountains were there. Suddenly, night happened, in just 5 minutes of time. How?

The light was coming from everywhere and it was too bright light, an ordinary night didn't have. Looking up words,  there was nothing like a moon! Why night happened so fast? And why there ain't any moon here? From where the lights are being coming.

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