Chapter 29 (The Excursion)

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Their short journey was full of problems, difficulties and excitement and much more. But after they, were visiting everything was now fine.

"when we will reach we are only walking and walking why we aren't reaching ?" Pleaded keven.

"Hey wait just a minute its no very much far !" replied Alex to satisfy keven.

Suddenly, Lakshay stopped at the movement.

"Why did you ceased ?" Asked Keven?

" Nothing I want water I didn't drink since, when I was at home and by walking my legs got pain and my mouth want water. We cant do anything regarding my legs because we don't have a pain killer. But we can do something with my mouth because we have water and I'm thirsty and want some amount of water and nothing else and more than this I'm already thirsty by speaking this much of sentences. Don't wanna More. So anyone have water or coca-cola or something like that ?" Told Lakshay describing all the things.

"You told more than a fifty words, describing only one thing that you want water" Edited Alex.

" How much did you both speak, please be in your limits, and by watching you there's pain in my mouth?" Added Alex.

" Can anyone will give me water or will keep talking ?" Again told Lakshay.

"I don't have !" Told Alex.

"I also don't have!" repeated Keven.

"We don't have water but we have money go the shop near by you and buy anything you want" suggested Alex.

By saying one work "Fine". He went to the nearby shop. He glanced over left and right towards the direction but couldn't find any of the shop.

To progress his search he started moving his steps behind and to look after the shops.

There were no signs of shop in anywhere because the place where they were that was a busy road with no shops.

"Bad advice".

Lakshay said to Alex very slowly. But he was much slower that he couldn't hear anything from his mouth.

He again repeated the same words.
"Bad advice !".

But this time he was much louder than the before one. And it was much louder so that it was heard BT Alex and was audible.

"What" Alex argued.

To listen that word of Alex. Lakshay came closer and said.


"What" said Alex

"What" said Lakshay

"I said what" again said Alex

"No we both said what"again Lakshay said.

"We both said what but I'm asking from previous comment what" said Alex.

" OH you mean that what when I said 'Bad advice'" said Lakshay

" Yeah ! i mean that what only but which what you prefer ?" Said Alex

" OH Ho ! You are here for playing what what and what or you are here to show me the CCTV camera ? " said Keven.

"Sorry ! but we are here to show you the CCTV footage" said Alex.

To made comments Lakshay remained quit and only retorted without any comments.

"yay we" he hesitated and again started " we are here to show you the CCTV footage !"

"Always be you don't copy other personalities"

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