🎂🎀🎀Happy Birthday 🎁🎁🎂

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Hey guys guess what? Yess, finally it's birthday! Guess who's birthday is it? Not mine, but it's soon to come.


One year has been passed since when I started writing the book 15th December 2015.

And just how a year passed I myself am speechless about this topic. So, now, I'm gonna tell you all about the story of Why? When? How? And where I started writing my book.

Sorry! If you're feeling bored but I can't stop the feeling of excitement inside me.

So, I didn't remember but it were the days of 4 years earlier. I was in 5th grade, a boy of 10.

I can't forget that day, it was pur English period and as usual our English teacher wasn't reaching.

I went to ma'am and talked her, "Excuse me ma'am?"She usually doesn't replies, which she did now.

I said again, "Excuse me ma'am, pur exams are gone start, so, please can you take revision, test, or something?"

I was wondering if she heard it or not, but when she actually replied, I was startled. "OH! Yes, I was busy in my work and so I forgot to do the same..." She lied, actually she was reading a newspaper.

"Go to your seat Aryan," she told and then asked about the syllabus, I told her and she thought something and expounded. "Children fast take out your English copy and write a short story of around 2 pages!"

She got busied in her work, each and every student took out their copy but despite my best friend, 'Arpit' @arpit_wadhwa6; he never listens to any one.

Talking about him, he was and is the cutest boy in our class, and usually was is attracted by girls, but he doesn't likes girls so he stays and stayed far from them.

And now I had a break up with him XD.

I put out the copy and first moved my eyes here and there for ideas and I burst out if laughing, when I saw other students writing rubbish about their mum and dads, homes, schools etc.

I was like, grow up, you're in 5th standard! I thought to write something different, and inserted the title with my flair.


Finally I ended the story, can't tell the story coz it's so rubbish and I was only a 5th grader!

I submitted it to the teacher and other students smiled at me, especially that girl I can't tell name here.

Students smiled at me coz it was my first year in school, and I was an obedient child.

I waited for the next day and it came! The teacher said that my English is too good and my style of writing is unique.

I saw the reaction of other children they were again smiling and especially that girl I can't take name of, she was continuously staring at me and giving smiles. AND I WAS JUST GONNA DIE BY HER SMILE.

From there only I started writing stories and others enjoyed it.While watching me writing, Arpit also wrote some but never again.

And finally when we were in 6th grade I thought to write a big one.


I began with one pages then two and finally over 80.

Then I got to know about a app known as bookwriter I downloaded it and there also we can read and write stories like wattpad.

I checked out a story if @jessicamensah there and saw in her book talking about wattpad.

I thought what's it? I downloaded from play store, and saw it was amazing. I read books for some months and then started writing that book only again.

And now the story is having around 80,000 words! Equal to the first book series if harry Potter!

Before putting my book on wattpad I met a profile known as @AuthorKushal and met some of his friends @pranjaliaditi and @SaadSohail_ I remember their book was somewhere in 700 reads Pranny and Saad, I didn't remembered.

I thought they were great authors they actually were and they are.

We became friends, and our friendship went on... Then while me Saad and Pranny were talking about Hindi on Twitter, I met a wonderful person in my life @Mdfaizan08572478 (I learn and forget every time your username Faiz so change it)

And then while I met him I wondered people like him are still alive.

So, guys whatever I'm just because of you all. Dedication to my true friends-


As well as my true readers
@SAKrishnan @little_broken_inside

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