Chapter 34 (The discussion)

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As they were with no progress and no success they thought to sit on sofa with a soft cold drink and to think intentionality with a cold mind with all ice filled in it.

With no signs of hotness or fire.

On the way to home,Alex said something that was thinkable.

"How it can happen? All the things are their in the video clip but except me the UFOs and the Alien.

"These things are acquaintance for me and don't ask me nor I'm part if this nor I've all faced it."

Said keven in a silly voice as his brain was not working.

"So why you all guys are getting upset our mission is still on our way and what if we get failed in one mission their are several."

Lakshay said as he was cooler than Alex and Keven.

Lakshay again started telling an idea.

"Let's go to my home and let's think their by cool mind also it is much closer from now as compared to yours."

They started shuffling again and moved their legs.

When they went to Lakshay's house with a bloom coffee and a cold cold drink. The ideas were coming as similar to as the train comes in the station and passengers goes in it.

Their were passengers who were the listeners of the idea.

"Why not we find those people who had watched that UFO and Aliens? Thus we would be properly able to find the solution of it." Said Alex.

"Your idea is very much useful and good but why not we start with the things that is in our limit? Like people said if someone's wants to become an author he should first try to read then wrote short stories then big books or novels." Told Lakshay.

"But its not the right time to write any book we are here to solve a quest or mystery why not we should find any other that is differ?" Interrupted keven because he was silent for hours.

"Your ideas are entering my brain but not properly I think so that we should forget them and ignore them if something happened to us then we will again try to ignore" said Alex the words he know he shouldn't tell.

"I agree you" said Lakshay by making a face like monkey.

"Are you all going mad its nor the time to ignore something its the to e yo fond the solution " revolted Keven.

"I also agree you" again repeated the same words.

"Oh I got a idea you will be glad after listening that we can send someone to search and investigate their. Then we would be able to observe something good and helpful for us." Exclaimed a helpful idea.

The teller was Keven.

"Yes this time I properly agree you this is amazing and fabulous idea" again said Lakshay.

But some doubt was eating Alex and to clear it he asked.

"But what do you mean you want us to go their or you want someone else?"

Keven retorted without thinking.

"I know a person. Salim he can do this and Also he is perfect in investigating he will take fees not much nearly 1000 INR."

After saying fine to each other they all started moving through their places to meet Salim who was a perfect.

"Darkness cannot removed by darkness only light can remove it hate cannot removed by hateness only love can erase it."
-Shraddha kapoor. :-)

I mean Gautam Budhaa.

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