Love You 'Till My Last Breath (Dear F/N)

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this was requested by @-MemeLord-

i am sorry for updating super late. one, i was too lazy to write. two, i was occupied with induction month. three, im damn lazy. whoops.

you requested me to write something very angsty but forgot to add what character i should do. no worries. i'll figure something out while i write.

(f/c) – favourite character

Dear (f/n), my love...

Oh God. When was the last time I wrote to you? The day when I found out you've been sent overseas to do your surgery. You know, that day when I received the news from your mother, I was devastated. I was both upset and depressed you refused to tell me what happened to you. Just when I'm about to visit you, cancer took you away. I remembered I dropped to the ground and yelled your name, pleading for you to come back. At first I thought it was a nightmare but it wasn't. Your corpse proved otherwise.

(f/n), do you remember when you came to my house one night drenched in rain water after you ditched your college's party? You were laughing to yourself, saying you would rather stay with me than going out getting drunk. I was so relieved to know you were okay. I was worried sick but you were a grown lady so I told myself you were going to be fine. You stayed overnight and slept on my bed while I slept on my uncomfortable couch displayed near my window. You insisted I should sleep beside you and I was, to be honest, overjoyed when you suggested it! But I kept it cool and slowly got on bed before wrapping my arms around you as sleep took over.

(f/n), the dress you wore on my sibling's wedding... God. That beautiful flowing dress that took my breath away. You outshone the bride, truthfully. You were the most beautiful lady I've ever seen and you still are, even if you are 6 feet underground. We both danced after the married couple did and all eyes were on us. You could not dance but it didn't matter back then. All we did was look into each other's eyes and finish the dance.

Don't get mad but my favourite part of our memories was when we made love for the first time. Actually, all of our memories are my favourite but that night was beautiful. I won't go through details because it will make you mad at me. Besides that, when you wore your onesie and I cannot handle my inner fanboy. You were so cute! If I could not hold back then, you would be ravished. But as a gentleman, I held back and treated you McDonald's.

I miss you. I miss you so damn much. If I could turn back time, I would savor the moment I had with you before you died. I love you, (f/n). Even though it was unfair that you left too soon, I felt much better knowing you were not suffering anymore. If anything else, I would give up anything to make sure you are not in pain anymore.

I will write again tomorrow, darling. My work has gone hectic every day and writing to you is the only way making me feel better. I need a massage. Rest peacefully, (f/n). I will see you soon.

And like every day, I will love you until my last breath.

Love, your (f/c).

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