Kuroo Tetsurou (2)

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"Oh dear..."

Kuroo squeaked so loud after you two came across a mini Kenma when you visited his house. Kenma's parents didn't know what was really going on but luckily they aren't home to witness that their son just turned into a baby.

Kuroo lifted baby Kenma so high in the air, nearly knocking the poor child's head. You slapped your boyfriend's stomach so he could stop doing that.

"You're going to make him sick if you keep doing that, you dumbass," You scolded.

Kuroo mumbled quietly so you could not hear him and placed baby Kenma on his lap. Kenma looked so confused yet he understood exactly what his friends were talking about. The thing is, he's a baby today and he can't speak neither can he play games.

"Oi, Kenma," Kuroo carried the baby so the two had a staring contest. "What happened?"

"Stupid! He can't speak!"

"Wow. Dude, (y/n)-chan is really cranky this morning. Could it be because you turned into a baby and her mother instinct kicks in? Shit just got real, Kenma,"

Kenma used all of his strength to slap Kuroo's face but it was not hard enough so Kenma pouted in annoyance.

"Kenma, kora...!" Kuroo yelped, one hand holding his cheek while the other holding Kenma. "You little—"

"WAHHH!" Kenma cried all of the sudden, stopping Kuroo from scolding him. You ran inside Kenma's room with a baby bottle in your hand.

"Tetsuro! What did you do?!"

"Nothing! I was just—damn you, Kenma. You did this on purpose, didn't you?!" He pointed at Kenma accusingly.

"Tetsuro, you bastard..." You had a dark purple aura dancing behind you as you clenched your knuckles in pure anger. "Accusing a baby when he didn't do shit..."

"Oh my god, (y/n)! Babies are evil, I tell you!"

"That did not give you the reason for you make him cry, Tetsuro!"

"For a day!" He argued.

Kenma began to squirm and surprisingly lift his arms up for you. You shoved the bottle's pacifier into his mouth before he could protest and held baby Kenma in your arms. You soothe the baby, making Kuroo jealous. Whereas baby Kenma laid his head on your shoulder, ignoring Kuroo's glare shot at him.

Hey, what do you know? Baby Kenma is actually clingy.

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