Nishinoya Yuu (3)

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requested by @Golden_flames29

You've never seen Nishinoya as a person who shops quite a lot - on his day off from volleyball practice he'd invite his girlfriend to go to the mall with him to buy a few boy stuff. One thing she liked about going shopping with Noya was because he'd buy cologne for himself and she loves his choices on cologne.

Most of the time he wears cologne is on school days and practice. He'd hug (f/n) out of nowhere and she would smell his cologne from his neck to collar area. How she loved smelling the mixture of his sweat and cologne.

Ahem, back to the story. Noya and (f/n) walked around the mall holding hands and window shopped. (f/n) gushed at the new clothes that arrived for Winter and it was on sale. That's a bonus for her. When it was time to go home, the couple used the elevator to the ground floor when it bounced a little indicating it was shut down.

(f/n) panicked. Her claustrophobia was showing and Noya saw her catching her breath in a fast pace.

"(f/n)-chan, are you okay?"

"S-Small space.. Yuu, I'm claustrophobic. I can't be in small spaces." She was nearly on the verge to cry until Noya hugged her and whispered sweet nothings to her.

"It's okay, (f/n)-chan. I'm here. Nothing is going to happen to you." He'd say anything to calm her down and eventually she calmed down, relaxing in his arms. "It will move again, babe. Until it is, I won't leave you alone."

She sighed in delight, "Thanks, Yuu. You're the best.. and your cologne turns me on."

"(f/n).. this isn't the time to be seduced yet."

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