Kozume Kenma (3)

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;; requested by: @kellylq. i'm sorry if you expected a title. i decided not to write titles anymore. enjoy!

Kenma is usually the guy to not say his mind out loud except when he's in matches – he'd be busy playing with his video games and minding his own business typing away on his phone. Even after he met (f/n). She didn't mind and wasn't bothered about it because he's never dated anyone before and he is usually anti-social so she never really complains about it.

It bothered her, though, when Kenma is still like that when they're alone. They've never gone to an intimate moment because he'd blush away or run to the bathroom, staying there for 30 minutes until (f/n) had to go back. She's upset but as usual, she doesn't complain.

He began to notice that she never said anything day by day. In school and when they're alone. She usually tell him what's on her mind and he'd ignore her but now they're just quiet. It was uncomfortable for Kenma to be walking with his girlfriend without talking. She always does that. It didn't feel right so he turned off his phone screen and stopped walking but she didn't, not noticing he stops.

"(f-f/n)." He stuttered her name, catching his attention. "Did I do something to upset you?" He asked.

She shakes her head, doesn't look like she was bothered. "No. Why? Was I frowning again?"

She was always told she looked like she's angry at someone or something but in reality, she is just in her own world.

"No." He responded, confusing (f/n). "You look like you're in deep thoughts but you don't say it out loud. You usually do that."

Her eyes widened in realization. "I have nothing to say. Besides, it's nothing important. It's not like you'd listen anyway..." She mumbled the last part, looking elsewhere but him. "Come on. It's late. We should-" Before she can continue, she felt her shoulder feeling less heavier and saw her boyfriend putting it on his instead. "Kenma, there's no need to-"

"You're tired a-and I thought I should help as an apology for not listening to you when you're with me," He blushed, walking ahead of (f/n). "Let's head home before your parents start worrying."

Ever since that day, Kenma made it a chore to carry (f/n)'s school bag everyday. He said it was an apology but it was more like he didn't want (f/n) to get angry for whatever he's done wrong. He's acting like a husband who just got busted for feeding his baby candy and the wife forbids it. Kuroo was suspicious by his best friend's weird behavior every single day and tried to ask him. Kenma would end up saying like 'She looks tired so I carried it for her' or something like that. The bed-head half believed the reason because he's seen the couple walking home after school. She doesn't look tired at all but Kenma insisted he'd carry her bag. His was heavy enough, what's more to say about (f/n)'s?

"Kenma, you've never done this before. What is it?" (f/n) has had enough and stopped their walk to their homes. "I appreciate you helping me with my bag but you had practice before that and you always complained about how sore your body was. If it was sore, you shouldn't carry my bag but you did anyway. Why?" She stepped towards him to inspect his reaction only to see he was blushing and his lips were shaking, as if it'll be embarrassing if he said it.

"B-Because I..." He paused to cough. "I never listened to whatever you're saying what's in your mind and ignored you. So I thought that if I do something for you, you won't get mad at me. I-I'm sorry, (f/n). I'm not cut out for relationships like this but I do love you very much. I wasn't born a romantic, anyway. But you've been patient with me for so long so I felt bad." He looked down. "If you're tired of me, you can say it. I c-can take it."

Instead of getting mad, (f/n) started giggling to laughing uncontrollably and holds her stomach as it hurt from laughing too much. "Oh Jesus, you're so cute, Kenma! I wasn't bothered by it in the first place but thank you so much for the thought. I love you too, Kenma, and you can't leave me. Not while I'm still on my two feet." She inched closer and their lips nearly touched. "This side of you is really sexy." She whispered against his lips, feeling her hot breath on his lip as she pulled away. "Let's head home." This time, they both walked home holding hands.

After they arrived infront of her house, he hands her bag back and put his hands in his pockets. "I'll see you tomorrow during practice?" He assumed.

"During? You never let me watch you play before."

He began to blush again. Fuck, damn cute Kenma. "I felt like you being there gives me more motivation. I-I mean if you don't want to come, it's fi-"

"I'll be there," She cuts him off. She stared at his pale cheek, wanting to kiss it but he'd pull away if she tries so she didn't do it. She was then pulled back by the wrist and felt a soft kiss on her cheek instead. Kenma pulled away 5 seconds later and plays with his hair, pulling it back so his face was exposing more. "G-Goodnight, Kenma." She whispered and went inside her house, smiling to herself.

Kenma watched her from behind and smiled invisibly before muttering, "Goodnight... (f/n)."


is it good? i hope it does!

; so im going out with my girl-friends an hour from now so i wont be double or triple update your requests like i should be. please be patient and wait for your turns. (:

;; one more thing: if you REALLY want a part two for your one shots, PLEASE PLEASE tell me while you're requesting. if you tell me to do a part two right after i finish it, i won't do it. i don't do last minute part 2's. im really sorry. it's also considered a 'spoil' to the story since it wasn't planned. thanks for understanding.

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