lan sizhui x reader 📖࿐ super late birthday special

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Happy birthday to my bby <3 

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Happy birthday to my bby <3 

▶ Requested by no one

▶ Flufffff

▶ Male reader 

▶ His birthday was 1/12 :'(((


[Y/N] walked into the room with the largest smile on his face and his hands behind his back. 

That immediately made Sizhui wary, but he didn't stop [Y/N]- not yet anyways. 

"Sizhui~" He sang. "I have a gift for you!" 

"A gift..." Sizhui set the book down and turned to face his boyfriend. 

"Don't look at me like that!" 

"Like what?" Sizhui asked innocently. Two could play the 'look innocent' game. ([Y/N] usually won though...) 

[Y/N] pouted. "Like I've done something wrong! I've done nothing wrong!" 

Sizhui stared. 

"...this time..." His lover finally admitted quietly. 

There it was. 

"So what is this gift?" Sizhui smiled. He wasn't going to lie. He was rather curious on what [Y/N] got him this time. Last year he had gotten him entire supply of parchment and brushes that he could do whatever he wanted with. [Y/N] had claimed that since Sizhui loved to study so much that he could use them for that. (They ended up used in a very different way... ahaha gotta love Hualian references... :) ) 

His lover took a seat on the other side of the desk in front of Sizhui. 

"Well it is your birthday!" [Y/N] said happily and Sizhui nodded. He hadn't forgotten this year. "And we're all going to have a huge dinner later tonight with everyone- But! I figured my gift wouldn't really be allowed at said dinner so I'm giving you it now!" 


"I know you like bunnies and all, because of your parents- I can't blame you they really are cute!- But I hope you'll like my gift just as much!" [Y/N] was suddenly very shy, rambling and struggling to sit still. 

"[Y/N] you know I'll love whatever you get me." 

"Even if its a pile of dirt?" 

Sizhui was suddenly very nervous for what the [H/C] haired man in front of him could've gotten him but nonetheless, he still nodded. He would treasure the dirt as long as it was [Y/N] who was giving it to him. 

"Well its not a pile of dirt." [Y/N] declared bluntly. "Here you go!" 

Sizhui barely had time to blink before multiple things were shoved into his arms and onto the desk. 

When he looked down his arms were fully of kittens - all different colours and sizes. They were all squirming around in his arms and stumbling on the desk while also making the cutest mewing noises. 

Sizhui's lips formed an 'o' shape. 

"I know they're not bunnies but you already have so many and I also know that having pets is a against one of your many rules- I can never keep them straight- but I asked your dads and Hanguang-Jun said it was okay! And they could even build a little house for them near the bunnies!" 

Sizhui reached over, grabbing one of [Y/N]'s hands and softly kissed his lover on the lips. It effetely shut him up. 

He pulled back, their noses brushing together. They both smiled like idiots, Sizhui especially. 

"I love them," he giggled. "Thank you." 

"Oh- I'm glad!" And because [Y/N] looked like he was going to straight rambling again, Sizhui kissed him again. 


▶ CATS !! (I almost really did make MC give Sizhui a pile of dirt for his birthday but I love Sizhui too much to actually do that-) 

▶ Both MC and Sizhui are very whipped for each other your honor <3 

Completed : 3/18/2024

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