lan sizhui x reader 📖࿐ LATE BIRTHDAY SPECIAL

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Happy birthday Sizhui my bby 🎉🎉

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Happy birthday Sizhui my bby 🎉🎉

▶ Requested by no one 

▶ Fluff <3

▶ Gender neutral reader

▶ His birthday was 1/12


“I hope you don't mind that I stole you away from your own party.” [Y/N] smiled sheepishly.

“It's alright,” Lan Sizhui reassured them. “If I'm being honest, I was getting a little overwhelmed.”

[Y/N] patted his shoulder in comfort. “I understand that, wanting to get away, I mean.” They walked over and took a seat in the clearing where they had dragged Sizhui too. They hadn’t really any place in mind, they had just wanted to get away from the loud and bright party but didn’t want to be completely alone. “I’m surprised how most of them had already gotten black out drunk. It isn’t even that dark out yet.”

“I'm going to admit, I'm a little tipsy myself..” Sizhui joined them on the chilly grass, sitting closer than he would normally do. He enjoyed their warmth since it was a little chilly tonight. “Jingyi just wouldn’t stop refilling my glass… I don't know where Jin Ling went off too and Zizhen just left me to deal with an already drunk Jingyi.”

“It sounds like you don't really like them,” [Y/N] teased, leaning into his warmth. “I don't know how you can be around them for so long…”

He was oddly warm, though it might just be the alcohol. Was he drunker than he thought? His face was really flushed too and his heart wouldn’t stop fluttering in his chest.

“Don't get me wrong, I love them. They are my best friends.” Sizhui was quick to defend. “I just need some me time… And sometimes they are a bit much… I’m sorry if they ever cause you trouble.”

[Y/N]’s smile softened. “Don't apologize. I’m glad you have such great friends and I'm glad they have you. You're amazing.”

Sizhui thought he misheard them. Maybe he was drunker than ‘just tipsy’?

“And if you want some alone time I can always leave you,” [Y/N] continued. “I know I dragged you out here without much reason… I think I can be a little much too…” (Not me projecting lmao- It’s been a rough month and start to the new year okay-)

“No!” Sizhui said that a little louder than he wanted, almost yelling it.

[Y/N] startled. “No?” They smiled a wry smile. “Sizhui, are you sure you're just tipsy?”

“Uh… I mean no… I’m sorry for yelling…” Sizhui laughed nervously. “I don't want you to leave… in fact, I really enjoy your company so… please stay here with me…” If only for tonight…

“Of course,” they accepted easily. [Y/N] found themselves leaning closer to Lan Sizhui as it grew colder. “Ah… I really should’ve grabbed the extra layer I brought with me… Then again I wasn't really thinking…”

Sizhui wordlessly shook his extra layer off and wrapped it around the shivering person next to him.

“Sizhui…” [Y/N] protested weakly. “You need this or else you will get a cold…”

Sizhui smiled. “I think the alcohol is keeping me plenty warm. You need it more than I do. I know you didn’t drink as much..”

“I didn’t have an already drunk friend pestering me and refilling my cup every time it got even the slightest bit low.” [Y/N] laughed. They tugged the cloth closer to them, wrapping it tighter around them.

“Can we stay out here for a little while longer…?” They asked quietly once silence had fallen between them and the conversation had died.

“Sure.” Sizhui agreed immediately.

“That was quick.” [Y/N] commented, eyebrow raised.

Tipsy, totally only tipsy, Lan Sizhui decided to do something sober Sizhui would never even dare to do. He wrapped an arm around [Y/N]’s shoulder and pulled them closer. “Your skin is like ice.”

“I guess I am a little cold….”

“We should head inside soon, so you don't catch a cold.”

[Y/N] smiled brightly and leaned closer into Sizhui, curling into his side. “As long as I have you, I’ll be alright. So… let's stay out here for a little longer, I want to watch the stars with you.”

Sizhui couldn’t say no.

“The moon is beautiful tonight, isn't it?” [Y/N] whispered, scared of breaking the moment.

Sizhui’s face heated up at their words. He felt like he was burning. His body was so warm he really felt as if he was standing out in the middle of the blazing sun of summer wearing a million layers of winter clothing. “Y-yes… It's very beautiful…”

[Y/N]’s eyes fluttered about as they struggled to keep them open. “Happy… birthday Sizhui… I hope you liked it….”

Sizhui felt the weight on his shoulder and looked down to see [Y/N] sleeping peacefully. They were clutching his thicker outer layer and curled up at his side. He was much more sober now and much more awake too. Sizhui’s face was warm and he could no longer blame the alcohol.

“I loved it… Especially because you were there…” He could not bring himself to say the three words… Maybe if he wasn’t sober he would have… but saying them out loud would mean it was real and his feelings were there… it meant he couldn’t ignore it any longer.

He wasn’t ready just yet… He wasn’t even sure [Y/N] liked him like that.

‘I love you,’ he said silently. He couldn’t say it out loud just yet… Maybe another day. Sizhui stared up at the sky, the stars twinkled and danced as he watched them silently.


▶ I've had such the Voltron and BSD brainrot lmao

▶ I hope you enjoy! (Yes I'm alive 😅)

▶ It's been a rough few weeks and I didn't get what I wanted done

▶ Sizhui is bby ❤

▶ First chapter of the new year !

Completed : 1/21/2023

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