lan jingyi x young sister!reader 💙࿐

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Not incest just a sibling bond!! 

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Not incest just a sibling bond!! 

▶ Requested by no one 

▶ Fluff 😌

▶ Female reader


"Ack- Xiaomei! Stop climbing on me!" 

"But Ge you're not much use for anything else!" 

"Oh... brutal..." Jin Ling winced mock sympathy. He grinned at Jingyi's shocked face and his misery. 

"Xiaomei is always so mean!" Jingyi cried but still allowed the younger girl to climb up on him so that she was sitting proudly on his shoulders. Her forehead ribbon and hair fluttered in the wind. 

"Hello [Y/N]," Sizhui greeted calmly. He was the only reasonable one in their group it seemed. "How have you been?" 

"I'm great Shixiong!" [Y/N] grinned a gap tooth smile. She had started to lose more of her baby teeth. "Your so much better than Ge!" 

"Xiaomei!?" Jingyi squawked. "I-I'm right here!" 

"I know!" 

Sizhui, Jin Ling's, and Zizhen's sweat dropped. 

"Ah... Jingyi... your Meimei is rather..." 

"Mean." Jin Ling said bluntly. 

"I was going to say blunt... but that also works.." Zizhen muttered. He stared at the two siblings. They couldn't be more different! 

"Sometimes I think you like Sizhui more than me..." Jingyi wilted. "I let you climb all over me and sit on my shoulders like I'm some horse even when I've told you no and you still treat me so unkindly!" 

"Ge is a horse!" 


[Y/N] continued on and Sizhui scolded Jingyi for his volume, "He's useless any other way! He's scared of ghosts even though it's his job to hunt them! He can't cook - he nearly burned down the kitchen the last time he tried - and he doesn't know how farming works either!" 

"Xi-Xiaomei?! I'm not afraid of ghosts-" 

"Lying is forbidden in Cloud Recesses!" [Y/N] said in a sing-song tone. She rocked back and forth on Jingyi's shoulders, holding rather tightly onto his hair. Jingyi winced but said nothing which surprised his friends (excluding Sizhui who knew how much Jingyi actually loved his younger sister). 

"Xiaomei I'm not lying!" 

"I'm telling Hanguang Jun that you broke the rules! He'll make you copy lines while doing a handstand again!" 

"Y-you have to copy lines while doing a handstand?!" Zizhen whispered, horrified. 

"Um.. yes..." Sizhui confirmed. "But it's only for Lan disciples. Guests just have to copy lines normally." 


"Maybe that's why the Lan Clan is so renowned for their arm strength..." Zizhen whispered. 

"Thats partially true..." Sizhui smiled, feeling a little awkward. 

When they turned their attention back to the siblings, Jingyi was walking rather fast (borderline running) in a circle while [Y/N] sat proudly on his shoulders, commanding him like a horse while she held on tightly to her brothers hair. They didn't miss that Jingyi was holding on rather tightly to his sisters legs, making sure she didn't fall off. 

Despite his complaining and their bickering, the two siblings seemed rather close. They clearly cared for each other. 

"I wish- I wish I had something to trap this moment forever!" Jin Ling muttered. He slapped his hand over his mouth, trying and failing, to muffle his laughter. "This is hilarious!" 

"Its... gold..." Zizhen braced himself on Sizhui, whole body shaking from trying to contain his laughter. 

Even Sizhui had to admit it was a little funny but he had grown up with these two so he was a veteran when it came to their antics. 


▶ Jingyi loves his sister even if she's a menace 

▶ Xiaomei - young sister 

Completed : 7/20/2023

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