jiang cheng x reader 🍇࿐ LATE BIRTHDAY SPECIAL

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▶ Requested by no one 

▶ Fluff 😌

▶ Male reader (I changed it up :D)

▶ His birthday was 11/5


“Happy birthday Jiang Cheng!” [Y/N] smiled. He opened his arms and hugged the shorter male, messing up his hair.

“Stop that!” Jiang Cheng shoved the male off him.

[Y/N] laughed and dodged the Jiang, walking over to Yanli, Wei Wuxian, and Jiang Cheng’s parents.

[Y/N]!” Wei Wuxian cheered. “It's good to see you again!”

“Hey! Wuxian!” [Y/N] greeted, side hugging him. He had grown a little taller but he hadn’t changed much except his hair looked extra messy today. “How’s your pheasant hunting going?”

“I’ve been getting better! You should see how many I've caught this year!”

[Y/N] laughed, patting his head. “Just don’t cook any then we’re all good.”

Wei Wuxian pouted at that. “My cooking isn’t that bad!” He protested loudly.

Yanli laughed softly into her sleeve. She had hardly changed since the last time [Y/N] had seen her. He did notice that her hair was a little longer.

“My favorite!” [Y/N] cooed. “How are you? I’ve missed you the most!” He ran over to her.

Both the brothers screeched loudly at that causing Madam Yu to slap them upside the head, scolding them.

Yanli and [Y/N] both tried to hide their amusement.

“I’m doing great [Y/N]. How have you been?”

“Ah, traveling was the best decision I've made in a long time!” [Y/N] hugged her tightly. “But I've missed you all very much.”

“A-Cheng especially,” Yanli teased. She hid her giggles behind her soft lavender sleeve.

[Y/N] flushed and hushed her. “Not so loud!” He glanced back but Jiang Cheng hadn’t heard, still being scolded with Wei Wuxian by Madam Yu.

Yanli patted his, she struggled due to the height difference. “I'm telling you, you just have to tell him to his face. He is too dense to get it on his own.”

“Yeah… I heard he's been blacklisted… Yikes… No woman will love him now…” [Y/N]’s sweat dropped. His arm, which has been holding Jiang Cheng’s gift, started to grow sore. He needed to hurry up and give it to him… Oops… It wasn’t very heavy but [Y/N] had grown tired of trying to hold it up and away so he could awkwardly hug people and not damage the gift.

Yanli nodded solemnly. “Yes, no women.”

[Y/N] groaned, quickly catching onto what she meant. He walked away not wanting to deal with her teasing anymore, saying ‘hi’ to Jiang Fengmian and Madam Yu who was done scolding the two brothers. [Y/N] glanced at the two gloomy boys and held back his laugh. Madam Yu didn’t spare any mercy for them…

“Jiang Cheng! I have your gift!” [Y/N] called after he was done talking with Madam Yu and Jiang Fengmian. “Sorry I didn't give it to you earlier.”

[Y/N] noticed as Jiang Cheng walked over silently, he was blushing. It was faint but it was still there and maybe it was just [Y/N] getting his hopes up, but he hoped it was because of him…

“Here you go,” he smiled. “I hope you like it.”

“Thank you…” Jiang Cheng muttered, taking the gift and opening it slowly.

Everyone watched with bated breath as Jiang Cheng pulled out a stuffed toy. But it wasn’t any stuffed toy, it was a dog.

[Y/N] laughed awkwardly. “Ah… I hope you like it… I would have gotten you a real dog but Wuxian… And I know how sad you were to get rid of your dogs before so I figured this would be okay…” He rambled on, glancing at Wei Wuxian who seemed to be alright for the most part, just a little pale. “I made it myself so it isn't the best… But I figured that 4 months of practice and training would do something…” [Y/N] trailed off as Jiang Cheng ran over to him, hugging him. They both fell to the floor, the wind getting knocked out of the [H/C] haired male. He let out an ‘oof’.

“Thank you…” Jiang Cheng blushed. His action was very out of character for him, but he was so happy. And [Y/N] had made it himself! This meant the world to him and he wouldn’t trade it for anything. “I love it…”

[Y/N] smiled brightly before laughing loudly. “Oh I'm so relieved! Now please get off me you're crushing me.” He glanced over to see Yanli giving him a knowing look.

“Hey!” Jiang Cheng snapped, but got up anyway. He glared at the [H/C] haired male who stood up and brushed himself off.

“You're not 4 any more,” he laughed. “I can't carry you anymore without the risk of me breaking my back.”

Jiang cheng turned bright red in embarrassment, sputtering and cursing. He tried to hit the male but [Y/N] easily dogged, laughter filling the empty crisp and chilly air. Wei Wuxian cheered [Y/N] on while Jiang Fengmian and Madam Yu watched with content smiles, holding each other in an embrace; neither speaking of such sudden affection.

Yanli continued to give him the look but smiled anyway for her brother and her friend. She was happy for them and hoped they would be happy too. Her younger brother deserved it more than anyone. She wanted nothing more than the best for them.

"Happy birthday again Jiang Cheng."

"Happy birthday!" Everyone echoed.


▶ I got caught up in baking yesterday and forgot y'all's favorite angry grapes birthday was yesterday-

▶ My wonderful computer has died so I've been doing these chapters on my phone so sorry if the quality has gone down, I'm just lazy and typing on my phone takes forever

▶ Enjoy (´∧ω∧`*)

Completed : 11/6/2022

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