wangxian x reader 🥀❄️࿐

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▶ Requested by - @darlingcream-

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▶ Requested by - @darlingcream-

▶ Fluff

▶ Male reader

▶ They requested no angst :(


"Bleh it's so cold out," [Y/N] complained. He shivered for the 100th time and pulled his thin coat closer to him. 

"[Y/N] why didn't you bring more layers?" 

"I didn't think I'd need them!" 

Wei Wuxian snorted, all snuggled up and cozy in his newly boat cloak with fur lining the inside and around the hood. "You need to learn to think ahead." 

[Y/N] stuck his tongue out at him. "Your not much better. How many layers do you have on this time? 50?" 

"Actually," Wei Wuxian sniffed. "Its only 10." 

"Could you spare some for your loving husband?" 

"Sorry love, but I'm afraid if I have any less layers Lan Zhan will be having two frozen husbands instead of just one." Wei Wuxian further sold his point by pulling his layers closer to him. His nose and cheeks were pink from the chill nipping at his face and his eyes struggled to stay open from the onslaught of flurries that kept coming down. 

"At this rate I'll lose feeling in my hands and face!" [Y/N] sobbed dramatically. Why did Wangji have to take so damn long?! It was supposed to be a 15 minutes meeting that turned into 30! 

"Just focus on catching snowflakes with your tongue, lwke mwe!" Wei Wuxian stuck his tongue out and tilted his head back, trying to catch as many snowflakes as he could. 

[Y/N] shivered again and was about to try and do what Wuxian suggested when a sudden warmth made him pause. He looked over his shoulder to see that Wangji had returned and he had placed his own very warm and expensive cloak over [Y/N]'s shoulders. It was still warm from the Lan's body heat. 

"Oh... thank you..." He suddenly felt rather shy. 

"Mn." Wangji wrapped the cloak tighter, not wanting his husband to freeze. He gave one of his rare smiles only reserved for his husbands and sometimes his older brother. 

"Lan Zhan!" Wei Wuxian ran over and hugged them both tightly. "Can we go home now? Poor [Y/N] is going to freeze if we don't hurry!" 

"Its very cold," [Y/N] agreed. "All I want is some warm soup and tea and to curl up and snuggle with my husbands!" 

Wangji nodded, suddenly very serious. "Of course." 


▶ pet names >>>

▶ I need it to be colder so I can remember what it feels to be alive 

Completed : 10/1/2023

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