nie huaisang x reader 🌿࿐

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Modern au 

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Modern au 

▶ Requested by no one

▶ Fluff

▶ Gender neutral reader - pronouns being used are they/them 


"What is this?" 

"What do you think it is?" 

"A porn bo-" 

[Y/N] wacked Nie Huaisang over the head with the wrapped gift, effectively shutting him up. "No." 

"[Y/N] is so mean!" He whined, clutching the top of his head that was already starting to swell. It would be a nice not-so-little bump in a few hours. 

"I could be meaner." [Y/N] huffed. They put on hand on their hip and held the wrapped gift in the other. "Why would you think I got you a porn book?" 

"Because you love me?" Huaisang asked timidly? "And Wei-Xiong got me one last week." 

"Thats because you blackmailed him into getting you that book." [Y/N] paused. "And because he's actually really a sweetheart who likes to give gifts and take care of his friends." 

Huaisang pouted. "So if its not a porn book then what is it?" 

"Why don't you just open it and find out?" [Y/N] didn't understand why he was being so difficult. 

"Bu-but what if its a bomb?!" 

They stared at him. Completely dumbfounded. 

"A glitter bomb...?" 

[Y/N] stared some more. 

"Orrrr maybe not...." Nie Huaisang laughed nervously. He rubbed the sore spot on his head again, trying to relive some of the pain. [Y/N] had hit him rather hard.... He feared he'd suffer from a brain injury and maybe die and then it would be all [Y/N]'s fault! 

"Why are you dragging this out? Just open it." They thrust the gift into the Nie's arms. "Its just a gift. Why are you making such a big deal out of it? You get gifts all the time." And by that, they meant that most of the time Huaisang simply bought himself whatever he wanted. 

Nie Huaisang's nervous face turned into something more serious. "[Y/N], its a gift from you! You never get me gifts unless its my birthday or Christmas or you want me to buy you sweets! So getting a gift from you out of nowhere is really weird but also a really special experience for me." 

[Y/N] was really touched by Huaisang's sudden rant. But also they were tired of waiting. They just wanted him to open the gift already, because they knew his reaction would be priceless. "Thats really sweet and all, but just open the gift before I burn it right in front of you." 

[Y/N] always went to Huaisang for some free entertainment, especially when they were tired of being a third wheel for Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian. 

Huaisang yelped and quickly ripped the wrapping paper off. 

He stared. 

Then stared some more. 

"Are you.... joking?" 

"Does this look like a joke?" 

"[Y/N] why... why did you get me a dictionary?!" 

[Y/N] slowly turned away, trying to hold back a laughter. They smiled innocently. 



▶ This was honestly so random idk why I decided to write this lol 

▶ They/them in honor of my non binary friend who's suffering a cold rn (sick twins ✌️)

▶ Huaisang feels so ooc but then again I haven't written any mdzs characters in a while 

Completed : 2/3/2024

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