lan jingyi x strong!reader 💙࿐

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▶ Requested by no one 

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▶ Requested by no one 

▶ Fluff 

▶ Female reader

▶ Another title for this: Jingyi is a simp 

▶ Strong women are hot 🥰


"Can someone tell him to stop having moon eyes?" Jin Ling snapped. He glared at the love sick Jingyi who sighed again for the 100th time. "Its getting fucking annoying." 

"Jin Ling..." Sizhui's sweat dropped. 

"Even I'm starting to get sick of it..." Zizhen muttered, looking appalled. "And I'm the romantic one." 

"Ah young love, how sweet!" 

The three juniors all jumped. 

"A-ah Senior Wei!" 



Wei Wuxian chuckled. He leaned back, apple in hand. "Aiya! You juniors these days are so jumpy!  Did you not notice me?" He grinned mischievously. "I've been sitting here for a while now!" 

"Apologies Baba," Sizhui, the ever polite boy, said. 

"No need!" The man waved them off. "So what are we doing?" 

"Jingyi is too busy making heart eyes at Lady [Y/N] to focus on our studies." Zizhen filled in happily. Jingyi flushed but didn't deny. 

"Oh?" Wei Wuxian wiggled his eyebrows. "Someones in love~~" 

"Like your much better..." Jin Ling grumbled. They had all seen the (rather disgusting) affections that went on between Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian. Those two just didn't stop and acted like teenagers- worse than the juniors themselves who were actually teenagers! 

"Where is this Lady [Y/N]?" Wei Wuxian made an exaggerated gesture of looking around. "I want to meet her if she can make Jingyi swoon this bad!" 

Jingyi groaned and buried his head in his hands. 

Sizhui sighed deeply. "I just want to study so I don't fall teacher Lan's next quiz..." 

"Ah are those still brutal as ever?" Wei Wuxian piped in, overhearing his precious sons whisper of a complaint. "I remember having to take those when I was your age. They sucked! And I usually failed- not that I was stupid or not understanding the content but because I helped Huaisang cheat and we almost always got caught and Old man Lan failed us both!" 

All the junior's sweat dropped. Wei Wuxian had explained that in an all too cheerful tone. 

Jin Ling coughed, bringing them back on topic. "The woman over there with the [H/C] hair is Lady [Y/N]." 

"Jin Ling!" Jingyi shouted, very offended and scandalized. "How could you!" 

Jin Ling, like a mature teenager, stuck his tongue out at his friend. "Karma's a bitch." 

"Please, don't fight again..." Sizhui pleaded tiredly. He wanted to take a nap and never wake up again. 

"Oh- I think I see her!" Wei Wuxian laughed excitedly. Honestly, it was kind of cute and rather wholesome to see him so excited and happy to be involved the younger generations lives. 

They all watched as [Y/N] as she picked up some little Lans who were running happily around her. At this point she was basically a built in babysitter and playground. 

"Woah! Thats like three kids!" 

"Four actually," Zizhen corrected. "She had two on each side, clinging and hanging off her like she's a tree for them to climb." 

"What arm strength!" 

"She's not a Lan." Sizhui immediately denied before his baba could even ask the question. Wei Wuxian pouted. "Not everyone who has good arm strength makes them a Lan, baba!" 

"But you're the only ones who makes their kids go through that torture!" The man whined. 

Jingyi's loving sigh interrupted their argument before it could even began. He was back at it, admiring the girl from his spot in the window. 

"She could probably crush a watermelon with her thighs..." 

"Jingyi!" Sizhui scolded. 

Jingyi didn't bother to act like he had heard Sizhui or was even listening to his friend anymore. He simply watched [Y/N] as she easily lifted more and more kids like they were nothing. She had about 7 kids hanging off her arms now. She was spinning them around, not bothering to go slow or even pretend to be worn out. 

"She could probably crush my head with her thighs..." A beat. "She could kill me and I'd thank her." 

"Oh my Xie Lian." Jin Ling face palmed so hard, Wei Wuxian winced in sympathy. "Kill me now." 

"Hes so gone..." Zizhen muttered in what almost seemed like awe or horror. "I've never seen him so smitten before. I've never been so smitten before." 

Sizhui sighed before dropping his head onto the hard surface of the desk. He gave up. He'd study later tonight. Alone. 

Wei Wuxian whistled lowly. "I can honestly agree with that statement- Not about the same person though. Just women who could easily kill you are hot." (Wei Wuxian you disaster of a bisexual-) 

"I want her to choke me." 

Both Jin Ling and Zizhen choked on their own spit at Jingyi's rather blunt (and bold) admission. They both tried to slap each others backs in attempts to not die by lack of oxygen. 

Sizhui had checked out, done trying to deal with his friends bullshit. He'd deal with them tomorrow when it was a new day, he had study over the test he was stressing over, and he had gotten some rather strong tea in him. Now Sizhui wasn't one to drink, but these chaotic disasters he calls friends might just drive him to pick up the bottle. 

Wei wuxian decided it was time for him to leave. He would not be blamed for this. Not this time. 



▶ This is just Jingyi and me being simps lmao 

▶ I forgot what title they use to refer to Lan Qiren is so I just made my best guess and picked from what I remembered T-T 

Completed : 3/31/2024

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