wei wuxian x young sister!reader 🥀࿐part 2

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▶ Requested by no one

▶ ANGST :))) (and some fluff... I guess...) 

▶ Female reader


The 3 months while Wei Wuxian was missing 

[Y/N]'s eyes lit up when she say Jiang Cheng walk back into the tent. She stood and rushed over to him. 

"Shixiong! You're back!" 

"[Y/N]?" He frowned. "What are you doing here?" 

She looked away guiltily. 

"I thought you were supposed to go with A-Jie?" 

"I was but... I don't want to go to Lanling..." She fiddled with her fingers, picking at the skin around them and at her nails. 

Jiang Cheng's frown deepened. He looked exhausted and worn. It worried [Y/N] (everything seemed to worry her nowadays...). 

"[Y/N] Lanling is safer. You're much more at risk being here than with all those peacocks." 

She crossed her arms and pouted. "You and Gege always say that Lanling is a snake pit! Why would I go there? I don't care if Shijie is there!" 

Jiang Cheng winced at the mention of a certain missing person. He sighed and coaxed [Y/N] into sitting down with him at the table. He couldn't deal with kids or anyone really right now (or ever). 

[Y/N] fell silent. 

Jiang Cheng dropped his head into his hands. The last battle had taken a lot out of him. Immediately after that battle he was expected to report back in the map room to help plan out their next plan of attack. He didn't have enough bran power to focus through half of that meeting and probably missed something important. 

"Shixiong.... Do- do you know where Gege is?" 

Jiang Cheng flinched. He had hoped she wouldn't ask that question, alas it seemed the Gods hated him today. 

"No," he gritted out. "He- Wei Wuxian hasn't been seen nor heard of for 2 months now...." 

[Y/N] frowned, bottom lip trembling, but said nothing more and Jiang Cheng didn't mention it. [Y/N] was growing thinner by the day, she wasn't eating as much as she should and it wasn't all just because of the fact that they didn't have much supplies. She was becoming hollower too. It hurt Jiang Cheng every time he came back to see the flames of hope in her eyes grow dimmer and dimmer. It hurt him even more to be the one to tell her that there had been no news or sightings of her beloved older brother. He hated to admit it but... Wei Wuxian might... 

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