various x rich!reader ⭐࿐

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▶ Requested by no one

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▶ Requested by no one

▶ Fluff :))

▶ Female reader

▶ MC is rich, rich 


"Oh [Y/N] let's go there!" Nie Huaisang shouted excitedly as he dragged along a smiling female. Her arms were already full of bags and toys and treats and clothes but she didn't seem fatigued or to mind at all. 

She wore an expensive looking hanfu that glittered in the sunlight and was made from the lightest silk that allowed her to not melt from the heat. 

"Sure Huaisang, wherever you want." She smiled. 

"What else do we need to get again?" Huaisang paused, finally remembering that they weren't just there to shop for him but for some of their friends as well who had put in requests before they had left that morning. 

"You need more paint and Wei Wuxian requested more talisman paper. Jin Ling also asked for more treats for Fairy." 

"Right!" Huaisang laughed and dragged her into a shop. "Lets hurry up then! The day is wasting away." 

[Y/N] laughed at his overly dramatic words. 


"Oh nonsense," Xichen protested. "Lady [Y/N] I couldn't possibly leave you to pay for us." 

[Y/N] waved him off. "I don't mind Xichen, its really nothing." 

"Nothing?" Xichen gaped. "Its more than 200 coins!" 

"See, nothing." 

Xichen sighed. "Lady [Y/N]...." 

"I've told you before to just call me [Y/N]. If I can call you 'Xichen' then you should be able to call me '[Y/N]'." She sighed. "Besides I won't even remember I spent such amount tomorrow. It's nothing, I promise." 

"Right... But please allow me to pay you back some other time then." 

"Nope~ Let me treat you tonight Xichen!" [Y/N] grinned and down the rest of the liquor in her cup. "You wouldn't want to break poor Huaisang's heart if I happened to tell him that you were mean to me, would you?" 

Xichen's sweat dropped. [Y/N] was usually a very kind and very giving and sweet individual but if you tried to deny her the right to spend money on you she'd become one of the most terrifying people out there. You don't want to mess with her and money. 

"Right... thank you [Y/N]..." He finally gave in. 

"No problem~" She winked at him, silently celebrating her victory. 

Xichen felt scammed yet he wasn't even the one paying in the end. 


Wei Wuxian stood staring, open mouthed and frozen. 

"[Y/N]?!" He sputtered. "Wh-what are you doing here?!" 

She grinned. "I've brought gifts!" 


When Wei Wuxian first woke up at 11, rather early for him, he hadn't been expecting to see [Y/N] waiting on their porch, arms full of expensive looking gifts, food, and other things. She didn't look the least bit fatigued and Wei Wuxian didn't even want to think about how much she had spent. She had to be holding a small fortunes worth in her arms. Seriously, where did she get all this money from?! 

"[Y/N]?! Do-do you have any idea how much all this cost?!" 

[Y/N] ignored him in favor of inviting herself into his home and set all the gifts on the small table, further burying all his current projects he had been working on. 

"[Y/N]?!" Wei Wuxian called again, feeling even more distressed than before. 

"Mm? Oh I don't remember." [Y/N] waved him off. "It was a rather small number and besides I won't remember how much I spent by tomorrow so why bother remembering now?" She shrugged and pulled Wei Wuxian down to sit next to her. 

"I can't... These can't... these aren't all for me... right?" Wei Wuxian struggled to find words as he stared at the massive pile. He hesitantly picked up the closest thing to him which happened to be a rather old book about the origins of talisman making. It looked and felt ready to collapse into a pile of dust. 

"Oh how silly," she commented. "Of course they're all for you. Who else would I spoil this much than my little brother?" 

"You spoil Huaisang," Wei Wuxian pointed out. He set the book back down before he accidentally broke it from holding it too long. 

"Well yes but he's Huaisang. Your Wei Wuxian, my lovely cute idiotic little brother who really needs to learn that being spoiled isn't a bad thing." [Y/N] waved his concern off and instead decided to call him out in a rather rude way. 

He pouted. "Jiejie is so mean.... I just... don't need anything more than what I have." 

[Y/N] scoffed. "Of course you do! You deserve the whole world. Now be prepared!" 

"Prepared for what...?" 

"Me and Wangji are going to spoil you so much your teeth will rot from all the sweets and your heart will burst from all the joyous gifts!" 

"Ack- NO!" 

[Y/N] laughed, already planning everything. Lan Wangji, of course, will agree without hesitation. 



▶ Money is the reason we exist, everyone knows its a fact, kiss kiss 🥰 😘

▶ I strive to be like MC in this for I too want to be so rich that by tomorrow an 'expensive' purchase won't even be remembered 

▶ Wei Wuxian deserves to be spoiled 🤧

Completed : 10/1/2023

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