jin ling x reader 🌻࿐

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▶ Requested by no one 


▶ Female reader 

▶ Jin Ling takes after his father when it comes to romance... 


"Lady [L/N]!" Jin Ling called. "Please wait!"

[Y/N] paused, her brother at her side. She looked over her shoulder to see a very red Jin Ling. He looked a mix between embarrassment and desperation.

"I- The truth- The-" Jin Ling choked over his words while [Y/N] stood, waiting and ever so patient. Her brother tugged at her sleeve, silently wanting them to walk away. But [Y/N] wanted to know what he had to say.

"The truth is I love you!" He finally shouted out. Everyone that had been watching the interaction immediately went still and silent. [Y/N] blinked in surprise and her brother's hand on her sleeve let go. "I-I've been in love with you!"

Jin Ling snapped his mouth shut as his face turned completely and utterly red before he ran away.

[Y/N] had barely blinked again, still in shock of his sudden confession, before he was gone.

Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian, who had recently made up and talked everything out without fighting (improvement if they said so themselves!), watched in a daze.

"I'm getting... major deja vu..." Wei Wuxian muttered. He brought his hands up to rub his eyes harder than necessary before looking at where the now missing Jin Ling had stood and the stunned [Y/N].

"You can say that again..." Jiang Cheng agreed. "Don't- Actually do it," he added when he saw Wei Wuxian open his mouth again. He immediately snapped it shut.

"I... hoped A-Ling would take after Shijie but instead he took after the peacock!" Wei Wuxian's shoulders slumped forward as he groaned. "What a wreck this has become!"

"A-Jie's blood wasn't enough," Jiang Cheng muttered solemnly. "Lets hope he at least gets the 'sappy romantic' part of the peacock."

"I'd hoped he wouldn't have gotten any of the socially awkwardness of the peacock but I guess that was asking too much, considering you raised him."

"Hey- Whats that's supposed to mean?!" Jiang Cheng yelled and bumped his shoulder against his brothers. Wei Wuxian only laughed. They couldn't chase each other around in such a public setting like they used to do when they were younger but they could certainly argue. 


[Y/N] found Jin Ling much later, the sun was beginning to set painting the sky beautiful shades of orange and marigold, hiding behind a tree in the furthest corner of the garden.

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