lan sizhui x reader 📖࿐

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  • Αφιερωμένο στον/ην idk45890

▶ Requested by - @idk45890

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

▶ Requested by - @idk45890

▶ FLUFF <333

▶ Male reader


"I feel like you're going to murder me." 

"What- [Y/N]!?" Sizhui stopped abruptly and spun around to face the [H/C] haired teen. "I- Why would you think I'm going to murder you?" His face was flushed and he couldn't stop fidgeting with his sleeve. 

[Y/N] shrugged. "Your leading me to a secluded place... With no other people around except you and me... I don't know, that just seems like prime murder time to me." 

Lan Sizhui looked one stupid sentence away from face palming so hard he gained a permanent red mark on his face. 

"No, I'm not going to murder you. Just- Just can you trust me?" 

[Y/N] stared at him for a long time, noticing the fluttering of the Lan's eyes as he looked everywhere but him. He noticed how fidgety Sizhui was versus the usual calm Sizhui usually displayed. The Lan's face was also rather pink (a pretty pink) and he was visibly tense. 

Sizhui only began to fidget more the longer [Y/N] stared. 

He blinked and looked away from the Lan. "...You know I trust you." 

"Right!" Lan said a little louder than needed. "I mean- right. Can we continue?" 

"Yep!" [Y/N] grinned. "I know that if you were to murder me you'd just poison me." 

Sizhui tripped and fell flat on his face. 


Lan Sizhui and [Y/N] sat near a willow tree, the soft wispy branches surrounding them like a curtain of clouds. [Y/N] used his sleeve to wipe away most of the dirt on Sizhui's face. There wasn't much they could do for the small cuts from a few rocks that had been buried under the dirt. [Y/N] did the best he could but they'd have to wait until they got back to Cloud Recesses. 

Sizhui sighed very deeply. 

"What?" [Y/N] paused what he was doing, lowering his arm. He looked at his friend with concern. He didn't think that the cuts were that deep and nothing about this situation was too distressing (at least from [Y/N]'s point of view) so Sizhui had no reason to sigh so deeply.  


"Its not nothing. You never sigh that deeply unless somethings bothering you or Jingyi and Jin Ling have done something particularly stupid." 

Sizhui didn't respond. 

[Y/N] sat back, leaning against the willow trees great trunk. 

"Its just..." The Lan started and [Y/N] stayed quiet, wanting Sizhui to talk on his own time. "I had this plan- this plan in my head. And I was hoping that it would all go according to plan... and falling and getting myself hurt wasn't in it! It took me a month and a half to get this plan exactly how I wanted it." Sizhui looked very stressed and his hands had gone up to his head, gripping his hair painfully tight. 

[Y/N] gently grabbed Sizhui's wrists, encouraging the boy to let go. Once he did, [Y/N] helped guide the Lan's hands back to his lap. He didn't let go. 

[Y/N] nudged Sizhui's knee with his own. Soft grey met dazzling [E/C]. "Hey, Sizhui. Its alright if your plan didn't go exactly to the letter. Why don't you just think about what you wanted your plan to be and what you wanted to accomplish with it. Then, if you want, tell me the most important parts. Take your time." 

While [Y/N] watched, still watching Sizhui as he slowly began to calm down and think about what he wanted to say, he absently started to rub gentle circles on Sizhui's wrists that he realized he was still holding. 

Still, he didn't let go. 

Finally Sizhui said, "The most important part of my plan was to get you to this beautiful spot that I found. I wanted to show you it... because I knew you'd like it... and then I'd... ask you... something.." 

[Y/N] continued to rub circles along Sizhui's wrists, trying to be encouraging but also feeling a little dumb. Comfort wasn't his strong suit. (I'm projecting at this point, I'm sorry lol)

"You'd ask me what?" 

Sizhui mumbled something. 

"I didn't catch that." 

"I said, I'd ask you to be my boyfriend." Sizhui blurted, or more like yelled. He tried to hide his bright pink face before realizing that [Y/N] was still holding his wrists and by extension, his hands, and only seemed too blush even more. 

[Y/N]'s eyes widened, not believing his ears. "You-" 

Sizhui made a noise.

"You want me to be your boyfriend?" 

"Thats what I said..." Sizhui somehow got even pinker. "Sorry didn't mean to snap..." 

"Its alright," he said. Then shrugging added: "I just was wondering when you were going to ask me." 

"You- WHAT?!!" 

"No yelling in Cloud Recesses." [Y/N] chided playfully. He stopped rubbing circles on Sizhui's wrists and instead just full on held the teen's hands. They both looked at their intertwined hands shyly before focusing on the conversation at hand again. 

"You- We're not in Cloud Recesses!" 

"Ah but we're still in Gusu so it still counts!" 

"It really doesn't- You know what I'm not going to argue." Sizhui sighed, but he still looked amused. "What do you mean 'you were wondering when I was going to ask'?" 

"Well, I'm not that dumb. I may fail like half of the old mans tests but I'm still somewhat intelligent. I like you, I noticed you like me. So then the only thing left to do is for one of us to ask the other out!" 

"You say it so cheerfully..." Sizhui grumbled. "I've been stressing about asking you for the past 2 months!" 

"Oh..." [Y/N] frowned. "Well now I'm your boyfriend now! You can't be sad anymore!" 

Sizhui blushed. "So that's a yes?" 

[Y/N] leaned over and kissed the boys cheek, right where a little cut lay. He did the cheek instead of the lips (despite badly wanting to kiss those cute lips more than anything!) because kissing someone on the lips without consent didn't feel right (even though [Y/N] had a feeling Sizhui wouldn't mind). 

"Does that answer your question?" 

Sizhui took the opportunity to hide his face behind their intertwined hands. 

[Y/N] laughed softly and simply kissed Sizhui's hands instead with only made the Lan blush more. 

"I already have an idea for our first date!" 

"[Y/N]..." Sizhui muttered. He intended it to be chiding but they could both hear the large smile that made his voice seem even warmer than usual. 



▶ Do they seem in love??? I'm so out of practice writing people in love and happy that I've almost forgotten how to do it-t 

▶ I want a boyfriend so bad and it lowkey shows (but also womennn) 

Completed : 3/27/2024

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