jiang cheng x reader 🍇࿐ LATE birthday special

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▶ Requested by no one

▶ Fluff <333

▶ Female reader 

▶ 11/5


Jiang Cheng grumbled as he was lead into the forest, his girlfriends hands struggling to keep his eyes covered while also trying to guide them through the underbrush and not trip over a tree root or run into a tree. 

"I don't see why this is necessary." 

"Its your birthday!" [Y/N] insisted. 

"You said that early, when you were trying to convince me to go out here in the first place." 

"And it worked!" Came the indigent reply. 

'Only because I love you.' Was his unspoken thought. 

[Y/N] suddenly stopped. "We're here!" 

"Can I have my vision back?" Jiang Cheng also didn't mention how he could still kind of see because [Y/N] was shorter than him and had a hard time reaching his eyes while also walking backwards in front of him. 

"Yes! You can look!" She removed her hands. 

In front of him was a clearing he had never seen before. And there were wildflowers of all colors around him. Moss had taken home on nearby tree and rocks. It was rather pretty, dappled in sunlight as it was. And he was surprised that there were still flowers and grass for November. 


"Isn't it!" [Y/N] agreed excitedly. "I came upon it a few weeks ago and knew I had to show you!" 

He nodded. 

[Y/N] grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers, and pulled him along. Jiang Cheng allowed her to do so and they sat in the middle of the clearing. 

"I know you don't usually like things like this, but I didn't know what to buy you because you really have everything so!" She cupped his face. 

Jiang Cheng didn't bother to hide his blush. [Y/N] was always so touchy and affectionate and so open about her love and feelings. He sometimes envied her for how open she could be but he also loved her for it and she loved him for trying. And Jiang Cheng really tried. They both appreciated and loved each other. 

"So! I decided to spend all day with you! I cleared your schedule- Don't worry Jiang Changpu seemed really happy to hear you were taking a day off and promised to work on any new work that came in so that you didn't have to worry." 

"Changpu?" Jiang Cheng frowned. "Really?" 

"You made him the head disciple," she pointed out. "Also no frowning. Its your birthday! Happy birthday!" 

He stopped frowning as deeply. He wasn't the smiley type... Even with the woman he loved. [Y/N] knew this and was fine with it. She had enough good, bright energy and smiles for an entire army. 

"Can I braid your hair?" 

"Sure," he said without hesitation. "Just don't make it ugly." 

They both knew he'd love it either way and would wear it with pride, glaring at anyone who so much as giggled. 

[Y/N] laughed and moved to sit behind him and began to take out his usual hairstyle. Her fingers were delicate and gentle as she brushed her fingers through his hair, getting rid of the tangles. 

They sat in comfortable silence while she worked. The sunlight, as weak as it was, was warm and welcoming against his skin. The occasional bird would sing a happy little tune. 

Jiang Cheng almost dozed off when [Y/N] declared, "Done!" 

He jolted awake. 

[Y/N] giggled and pulled the braid over his shoulder for him to see. 

It wasn't the best braid he had ever seen but it could never be ugly in his eyes. Intertwined with his hair were flowers. The very same flowers that were in the clearing. And Jiang Cheng had a suspicion that this was one of the reasons she chose to go here first. 

"Its lovely." 

"I knew you'd love it!" [Y/N] leaned forward and kissed his cheek. 

Jiang Cheng turned his head more and grabbed [Y/N], pulling her into his lap. She laughed in a mix of delight and surprise. 

He kissed her on her lips. 

"Now where to next?"  


▶ Golden retriever girlfriend and black cat boyfriend <3 

▶ Some love cupid possessed me while I wrote this I swear-

Completed : 2/2/2024

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