wei wuxian x young sister!reader 🥀࿐

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▶ Requested by no one

▶ Fluff (and kinda angst... its small... not really... but really...) 

▶ Female reader


"Aiya Meimei, stop being so stubborn!" 

[Y/N] pouted, crossing her arms and refusing to look at her older brother. 

"Meimei it'll only be for a year. I promise I'll come back!" Wei Wuixan sat on his knees so he was at eye level with the 9 year old. "And I promise to bring back lots of gifts!" 

[Y/N] huffed, refusing to look at him. "I don't want gifts! I want Gege to stay here!" 

Wei Wuxian was rather glad that the rest of the Jiang family wasn't around currently. They were all currently running around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to finish up last minute preparations for their departure to Gusu. He and his younger sister got a small moment to say their goodbyes; to have a personal moment. Yes, while both of them treated the Jiang family like their real family they weren't related by blood. Only him and his Meimei were related by blood. They were all they had. 

"Meimei... You know I can't. It's a very big honor for me to have received an invitation from the Lans." 'Especially given I'm not related to the Jiang's by blood nor adoption.' 

[Y/N] puffed her cheeks out even further. They reminded him of mantou and he had to hold back a laugh at the comparison. 

"Then why wasn't I invited?" 

"Because you're not old enough," Wei Wuxian said. He couldn't help but smile. His Meimei was just so cute! 

"But then if Gege leaves I'll be all alone!" [Y/N] said angrily. Big fat tears started to form in the corners of her eyes as her bottom lip trembled. 

Wei Wuxian frowned. "A-[Y/N]..." He reached out and pulled her close, cradling her in his lap and letting her bury her face in the crook of his neck. "You won't be all alone. You'll have uncle Jiang and Madam Yu. And you'll have all the Shixiong's and Shijie's. They'll keep you company and make sure you don't get into too much trouble." 

But [Y/N] didn't stop crying. 

"Ge-Gege will leave me! He-He'll never returnnn!" She wailed. 

"Thats not true!" Wei Wuxian protested, deeply offended. "How could you think so lowly of your Gege like this?! I wouldn't just abandon my most precious Meimei like that!" 

"You-You'll find some nic-nice Lan girl and le-leave me!" She hiccuped. 

Wei Wuxian gently rocked her back and forth. He continued this, whispering hollow words of comfort until she finally calmed down enough and he gently set her back on her own two feet. [Y/N] still looked rather upset but she was starting to meet his eyes. He'd take what he could get. 

"How about this Gege gives you this." He took off his red ribbon and gently braided it into his younger sisters hair. 

[Y/N] frowned. "Why this?" 

Wei Wuxian smiled. "Its very important to me." 

"More important than me?" 

"No, nothings more important than you my precious Meimei!" Wei Wuxian proudly declared. He patted her head. (Hahaha... foreshadowing... oops... :) ) 

[Y/N] looked down at the end of the ribbon that was now braided into her hair. At least she no longer looked ready to cry at any second. 

"Since this ribbon is so important to me, not more important than you of course, I'm lending it to you!" 

"Why?" [Y/N] asked immediately, looking back up at her brother. 

Wei Wuxian grinned. "I'm giving it to you so that you know I'll come back!" 


"Since you don't simply believe my words, I'll give you something physical." Wei Wuxian answered. "You should know that with or without this ribbon, I'll always come back to you. I love you so much A-[Y/N] - don't expect me to just up and leave you so suddenly! But because you don't believe my words I'm giving you this ribbon so its a guarantee that I'll come back. I need my ribbon back at some point!" He laughed loudly. 

[Y/N] twisted some of her hair round her finger. "I love Gege too... Promise you'll come back?" She held out her pinky of her free hand. 

Wei Wuxian intertwined their two pinkies together. "I promise!" 

[Y/N] offered a small smile. Wei Wuxian let go of her pinky. 

Wei Wuxian's grin widened in return. He loved to see his sister smile. "Make sure to take good care of my ribbon while I'm gone okay?" 

[Y/N] nodded, suddenly very serious. "I promise Gege!" 

"Good. Now come give your Gege some hugs! I won't see you for a year!" 

[Y/N] let go of her hair and jumped into his arms, hugging his neck tightly. 


▶ I'm pushing that age difference (I suppose it should have been ten but I wanted her to be younger)

▶ Mantou, often referred to as Chinese steamed bun, is a white and soft type of steamed bread or bun popular in northern China. (it looks so good 😭 I want to try some now)

▶ I wanted to have Wei Wuxian give MC his clarity bell but I realized that wouldn't really be realistic... so ribbon it is! 

▶ MC is rather short due to malnourishment and obviously not being able to be properly feed while on the streets (timeline who? we don't know her-) 

Completed : 2/5/2024

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