nie huaisang x older sister!reader 🌿࿐ part 2

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▶ Requested by - @Asechel , @kurenia2848 , @keyblade_wife

▶ Angst >:)) (and ig a little fluff near the end) 

▶ Female reader


"DA-GE!" Huaisang screamed. It was a horrible sound. One that grated against [Y/N]'s ears along with her older brothers shouts of pain and muddled words. 

[Y/N] rushed forward and managed to grab ahold of her younger brothers sleeve just in time. She pulled him back and wrapped her arms around his middle, keeping a firm grip on him. 

"Le-let go! Da-Ge he's-" Huaisang scrambled and clawed at her arms, trying to get out of her embrace. It was the first time she'd ever seen him so determined to fight. 

"He's out of his mind and doesn't know who's who!" [Y/N] cut him off. She could clearly see how distressed Huaisang was; tears streaming down his face and the helpless tone that made his voice shake. He continued to claw at her embrace, trying to break free. But [Y/N] was a Nie through and through, and she wouldn't let her little brother escape that easily. 

She wasn't doing much better. She was barely holding back her tears, having to keep biting her lip (nearly drawing blood). [Y/N] didn't want her younger brother to see her break down. She had to be strong for him while they both were forced to watch, unable to do anything while they're older brother basically killed himself. 

They both watched helplessly as their brother swung his saber around like a mad man. Blood pouring out of his nose and mouth and eyes. 

[Y/N] swallowed back a sob. 

She knew that this might happen sooner rather than later, but no matter how hard she had tried to prepare herself for this day it was all for naught. Nothing could have prepared her for this day. This agonizing and torturous day. 

Watching one brother loose his mind right in front of her while having to hold back the other one from getting himself killed was pure torture. It felt like her heart had been ripped out and then repeatedly stomped on while someone continued to stab the empty spot where her heart had been. 

"A-Sang... Please stop fighting..." She practically begged. 

But Huaisang was a Nie even if he didn't act like it half the time. 

In one last ditch effort, he (reluctantly) kicked his sisters leg - the one that had recently been injured from her last night hunt - super hard. He put his whole strength into, reeling on desperation. 

[Y/N], not expecting this, yelped and loosened her grip on her younger brother just enough for him to shrug her off and run away, towards Mingjue. 

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