jiang yanli x reader 🌺࿐ birthday special

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Happy birthday Shijie! 🎉

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Happy birthday Shijie! 🎉

▶ Requested by no one 

▶ Spice

▶ Female Reader


"Yanli..." [Y/N] shook the sleeping girl. "Yanli.." She said a bit louder. "Yanli! Wake up!" [Y/N] whisper-shouted, shaking the Jiang harder.

Finally, Jiang Yanli awoke. "..[Y/N]?" She muttered sleepily. "What.. what are you doing up? Are you okay?"

"I want to go swimming!" [Y/N] said, still whispering.

"It's the middle of the night, dear," Yanli pointed. "You can always go swimming tomorrow morning."

[Y/N] shook her head and began to pull Jiang Yanli up and out of bed. "Nope! I've decided we're going now!"



Yanli sighed, smiling fondly at the [H/C] haired female as she scrambled about gathering things before grabbing onto the Jiang's hand again. Jiang Yanli let herself be dragged out of her room and along the hallways until they came to a pier rather secluded from the others.

Yanli rubbed her eyes, still heavy from sleep. When she looked back up, her face immediately became crimson.  [Y/N] had already taken off most of her layers and left only a thin layer that stuck to her skin.

Yanli hid her face, squeaking quietly, "[Y/N]?! W-what are you doing?!"

[Y/N] shrugged sheepishly. "I didn't have enough time to wear something else so I figured I could just use this.. I was kind of in a rush you know..."

Yanli decided to look up at the sky. The moon was full. It was bright and beautiful and their only source of light. It entranced her and she noticed the twinkling stars all around. The night sky looked gorgeous and she wanted nothing more than to capture it and make in into a gown or a blanket. It was peaceful here, listening to [Y/N] ramble with the sound of crickets chirping and the soft swishing of the water. The reeds sang softly when the wind blew and rubbed against the lotus flowers and seed pods.

Maybe it wasn't so bad that she was dragged out here in the middle of the night. But if Yanli was honest, she would do anything if [Y/N] told her.

"Yanli, are you going to get in?" [Y/N]'s voice cut her out of her peaceful, mindless, state. Yanli looked down to see [Y/N] already in the water. It had soaked through her only layer and made it stick to her skin as if it was always meant to be there. Yanli's blush deepened.

"Is it not cold?"

[Y/N] smiled brightly. "It gets better once you've been in for a while."

Jiang Yanli hesitantly took off her outer layer, the soft lavender fabric pooling next to where [Y/N] had put her clothes, before taking off the rest, wanting to get it over with and save herself the embarrassment even if this scene was nothing new to either of them. [Y/N] had seen all of Yanli and Yanli had seen all of [Y/N].

[Y/N] smiled, resting her arms on the sun bleached wood and putting her head on them. She stared up at Yanli with pure adoration in her eyes.

Jiang Yanli smiled shyly back and slipped into the water. She shivered as she adjusted to the temperature.

[Y/N] swam around her, smiling and trying to keep her laughter down. They were close enough to the main house that if they were too loud they might risk waking someone but far enough away that they couldn't be seen.

Yanli finally joined [Y/N] in swimming around and they even had a mini splash fight. Both girls had to pull their hair down since they had forgotten to earlier.

They ended up in each other's arms. [Y/N] was hugging Jiang Yanli from behind, resting her face in the crook of Yanli's neck.

"See, wasn't this fun?"

"Sleep is also fun..." Yanli whispered softly.

"Mhmm... but isn't spending time with me funnier?"

Yanli laughed, covering her mouth with her hand. "Yes, A-[Y/N]."

Without warning [Y/N] spun Yanli around and picked her up, hands gripping her thighs. [Y/N] moved away from the moonlit water and carried her so they were closer to the dock and completely out of sight.

Jiang Yanli blushed and gave [Y/N] a quick kiss, shivering at how cold the air seemed to be. She had gotten used to the chilly water.

[Y/N] smiled and looked up at her girlfriend through her eye lashes.

The kisses started slow, caring and full of love. They didn't have much heat behind them and were simply kisses. Soon they became longer and more desperate. Yanli gripped the sides of [Y/N]'s face and her hair as [Y/N] gripped her thighs, pushing her up against the dock. The wood was uncomfortable, digging into her back, but [Y/N] kissing her harder made her forget.

She hardly put up a fight when their tongues became locked and they barely stopped, taking short gulps of air before immediately locking their lips again.

Finally they stopped, catching their breath and panting softly. [Y/N] nuzzled the crook of Yanli's neck, a purple mark blossoming close to her jaw.

"Happy birthday Yanli.."

"So this was what this was all about?"

"I wanted to be the first one to say it..."

Yanli smiled and hugged [Y/N], burying her face into the crook of her girlfriends neck. "Thank you."



▶ Happy late one year to this book 👀

Completed : 5/2/2023

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