nie huaisang x jin!reader 🌿࿐part 2

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▶ Requested by - @anvzlee

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▶ Requested by - @anvzlee

▶ Fluff 

▶ Female reader


"Awww!" [Y/N] cooed softly. "Look! She's walking again!" 

"What if she falls?!" Huaisang fretted, arms hovering closely around his 16 month old daughter. 

"Oh you worry too much!" [Y/N] rolled her eyes before cooing again at her precious daughter. "Look at her! She's adorable!" [Y/N] picked up little Mingxia and spun her around. Huaisang helped his wife up seeing as [Y/N] struggled a little bit to go from kneeling to standing with a 16 month old child held up in her arms. 

"Our little A-Xia!" [Y/N] snuggled their child close to her, wrapping her arms around her and giving her kisses all over her little face. 

Huaisang smiled warmly at his wife and daughter. Everything was at peace now. He had gotten his revenge, [Y/N] helping him and always right by his side, he had managed to get his old classmates together (finally!), and now he had a lovely daughter to look after. He had been a little angry when [Y/N] finally told him of her being pregnant but that quickly disappeared when the realization and joy struck him; he was going to be a dad! 

He leaned over and pecked [Y/N] on the check. "She's beautiful, just like you." 

[Y/N] blushed and lightly slapped his shoulder. "She has your eyes, clearly she gets it from you." 

"You think I'm beautiful?" Huaisang was teasing her at this point. He loved that they could still both get each other so flustered even after all these years. 

"Yes," [Y/N] smirked and leaning closer. There was hardly any space left between them, their lips brushed and they were about to kiss, eyes fluttering- 

Mingxia burst out into a fit of laughter, startling the couple. They jumped apart like they were teenagers again and had been caught having sex. [Y/N] glanced over to see that Mingxia was happily laughing at a strikingly golden butterfly who was fluttering all around the little girl and kept landing on her nose before flying off and continuing to flutter around her. 

"Awww," [Y/N]'s heart melted at the sight. She repositioned Mingxia on her hip, grip slipping slightly, and smiled softly at the scene. She felt Huaisang slip his hand into hers and she smiled up at him, cheeks warm. "A-Sang look!"

The butterfly then started to flutter around Huaisang, almost like it was attacking him. Nie Huaisang sputtered and tried to get the butterfly to stop but it wouldn't give up. 

[Y/N] laughed loudly at the sight, missing her husband's hand already when he was forced to let go of her hand to try and swat the butterfly away. Mingxia giggled and blubbered right beside her. They both enjoyed the sight of an innocent golden butterfly tormenting the big, bad Nie Clan Leader. 

The butterfly reminded [Y/N] of her younger brother and how despite her being older, he would still try and protect her. Her smile faltered a little at the reminder of her dead brother. How she had outlived him despite how it was supposed to be her who died first... [Y/N]'s heart clenched at the sad thoughts. 

Mingxia laughed again, it was loud and seemed to echo in the courtyard filled with birds and plants. It snapped [Y/N] out of her sad thoughts and her bright smile returned, if only slightly dimmed. She would enjoy the life she has now, because even if Zixuan wasn't here she still had Huaisang and her lovely Mingxia now. 

She laughed as Huaisang stumbled to the ground as even more butterflies came out and started to swarm him. 

"Da-da!" Mingxia cooed, clapping her hands in utter joy. 

"My dear A-Xia! H-how could you laugh at me!?" 

[Y/N] planted a kiss on Mingxia's forehead. "Thats my girl." 

"M-My dear A-[Y/N]!?" The Nie screeched, flailing about helplessly. 

"Maybe you should have learned some cultivation," [Y/N] commented lightly. Her cheeks hurt from smiling so brightly. "Maybe that would help you now." 

"Traitors!" Huaisang screeched. "Both of you are traitors! How d-dare you!" 

Both mother and daughter laughed in unison at the fathers misery. 

The golden butterfly seemed to smirk, radiating absolute smugness, like it had won. 


▶ Yeah that butterfly may have been Jin Zixuan... :) 

▶ Mingxia - clear halo (which now that I think about it actually really fits her :D) 

Completed : 6/7/2023

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