Chapter 265 - Escaped Prisoners

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The moon hung low in the night sky, casting an ethereal glow upon the dense forest in the Land of Fire. The tall trees swayed slightly in the night breeze, rustling leaves echoing like whispers in the night. Two shinobi moved like phantoms through the dense vegetation and made their way to the Leaf village.

Daichi and Kakashi had a steady pace as they made their way back home. As they moved through the branches the Genin asked his teacher something that's been on his mind.

"Hey sensei."

"Hmm..." Kakashi glanced at his student from the corner of his eyes.

"Sasuke is graduating today. Since he's an Uchiha, are you going to be the Jonin sensei of his team?"

"Hmm... That topic was discussed with the Hokage. Since he hasn't awakened his Sharingan it wouldn't be much beneficial if I took over his training right now. So you have me for a few more months..."

"Till the coming Chunin exams you mean."

The silver haired Jonin smirked and looked forward. A few seconds of silence later he spoke. "I know you'll easily pass that exam. You'll be assigned to other teams and will be on higher priority missions... Well, that's then... You don't need to worry about it now."

Daichi nodded. "Who do you think will be on Sasuke's team?" Daichi asked this question as casually as possible, making sure not to reveal his interests.

Kakashi looked at his student and instead of answering the question he asked one of his own. "Why do you ask?"

"Sasuke is the Rookie of the year. I know he'll only push himself harder once he's in a squad. Whoever is on his team, either they'll need to keep up or they'll be left behind. If the right two teammates aren't chosen then it would cause problems down the line for everyone."

"You don't need to worry about your friend. The teachers and the Hokage will make the right decision."

Daichi nodded and the two made their way forward. As they traveled further and neared the village the Genin suddenly sensed several presence a short distance in front and closing. Daichi's senses were far beyond even the most experienced Jonin and he was the one who sensed them first. He was alert as he felt the people approaching.

Daichi frowned and immediately used his Chakra Sense skill and counted the signatures coming close. '6 Chakra signatures. Are they the patrol squad? No. That can't be. Too many clustered together... No. Now that I'm taking a closer look, there are 4 in front and 2 moving slower and following from a distance. Maybe two teams going on different missions... Based on their speed, they're moving fast and will make contact with us soon.'

Since today was graduation day, Daichi was extra cautious of anything and everything. "Sensei."

"Yeah. I know. Don't worry. They're probably a large team leaving for a mission." Kakashi shrugged and replied. Within a few seconds 4 shinobi in Leaf gear appeared in their vision. They were coming close and looked as if they intended to pass them without any incident.

The ninjas came close and Kakashi looked at each one as if he was merely glancing at them.

The moment they were near Daichi used 'Observe' skill on one of them and quickly read the information. His eyes minutely widened as he saw what was written. 'Tenjin Tsuchi. Male, 33. Former Chunin from the Leaf. Has fire chakra nature and several Fire jutsu under his command. He leaked important intel to enemies for money. Imprisoned in the Leaf Correctional Facility for over 9 years... This guy... He's an escaped prisoner.'

Suddenly, just as they passed, Kakashi took several shuriken and hurled them at the ninjas. "Battle formation." Kakashi ordered his student as he made sure to stop the 4 ninjas in their tracks with his weapons.

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