Chapter 284 - Speculations

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Hokage Tower.

Hiruzen was behind his desk going through various documents from the patrol squads. A Special Jonin stood in front of him and reported the current situation.

"All the escaped prisoners have been captured and are in custody. We've accounted for everyone. The correctional facility is operational with 4 teams of guards working in three shifts."

"Has there been any suspicious movements near the village?" Hiruzen asked and the ninja shook his head. "No sir. Nothing out of the ordinary."

Hiruzen nodded and leaned back in his chair. "Good. Dismissed."

The ninja vanished and Hiruzen let out a long breath of air. 'It's been a long time since I've had a troubled night like the one I've had. Looks like Orochimaru hadn't used the chance to cause any chaos. That's good. Still... Why do I feel so uneasy...?'

At that time Genma appeared and looked at the kage with concern on his face. "Lord Hokage, you're tired. You haven't slept or eaten anything since yesterday. Perhaps you should get some rest."

"It's tempting but there is still much work to be done Genma." The old kage yawned tiredly just as he finished his sentence. He rubbed his eyes and let out another deep breath. "Maybe a short nap isn't such a bad thing."

Genma smiled as he looked at the leader of the village. "Yes. Everything's resolved without any complications... So that's good news."

Raido and Iwashi also appeared and stood near Genma. They were ready to transport Hiruzen to his home but suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Hiruzen spoke and soon two highly respected members of the Leaf ninja force entered the room. The head of the interrogation department Ibiki Morino and leader of the Analysis Team Inoichi Yamanaka.

"Inoichi, Ibiki. What have you learned from the Mizuki and his accomplices?" Hiruzen asked and Inochi replied first.

"I have good news and bad Lord Hokage."

Hiruzen sighed hearing that. 'Of course there's bad news. Just my luck.' He looked at the blonde haired man and nodded to continue. "Tell me the good news first."

"I've gone through the memories of Zefrek, Haroshi, Seijo and the others Kakashi's team captured. Mizuki was their contact and he's the one that supplied them with weapons and shinobi gear. He's been planning this for months. The plan was to take the forbidden scroll and leave the country. Their goal was to go to Orochimaru protection and the Scroll of Seals was their bargaining chip. It was Mizuki's plan. The team that caused havoc in the village was a distraction so Mizuki could kill Naruto and the others and get the scroll. From what I've learned there is no one else involved. So we don't have to worry about another traitor helping Zefrek. That's the good news" Inoichi stopped and looked at the Kage.

"Alright. Now what's the bad news?"

It was Ibiki who answered. "It was Mizuki's plan for them to go to Orochimaru. Unfortunately he didn't share it with his team. And when Inoichi did a Mind walk on Mizuki he came across powerful barriers and protection in his mind. And because of his unique condition I can't employ other tactics without the risk of killing him. The intelligence and whereabouts he has on Orochimaru will be of great use to us. So I've refrained from any drastic measures to get your opinion, Lord Hokage."

"That curse seal really did a number on him didn't it?" Hiruzen mumbled but everyone heard him.

"It completely destroyed his body. It's far different from the one used on Anko. If I had to make a guess, I'd say this seal was developed well before the one he gave to Anko." Ibiki spoke.

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