Chapter 244 - Sealing Arts

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Jan 25th.

It was two hours past evening. Daichi had just completed his missions and returned home. He was currently in his backyard, meditating under a tree and going over the events that would take place in the future.

'Orochimaru would attack in the chunin exams. At that time he along with his guards would be away from his base. And he has no reason to believe that his location has been compromised. But that could change any time. With my existence any change to these events could happen. The sooner I move on my intel the better. But therein lies several problems. I need an opportunity to leave the village and it has to be during a time when Orochimaru's main base is at its weakest. And even if I do get there his scrolls would no doubt be protected in seals. I need to get around them.'

Daichi opened his eyes and sighed. He got up from his spot and went to the nearby pond. He watched the different fish calmly swimming through the cold waters.

'And it's not just techniques. I need a few other materials as well from his lab. I'm sure they would be there. But I have to infiltrate his lair and if possible make sure to keep my presence to a minimum.'

The Genin had been thinking about his next step and what to do to prepare and after a couple hours of internal debate he came to a conclusion.

'Sealing Arts. They're key to getting me to the top. I need to learn how to break protective seals on scrolls before I make my move. Maybe even some barrier destruction seal. But that's only the start. Sealing jutsu has limitless applications. If I can harness its true potential then I'll be able to deal with not only the Akatsuki but maybe even the Otsutsuki. Not that I'll let it get to that point. I'll have to find a way to seal Black Zetsu before the Pain arc. Sealing jutsu is fundamental for my growth.'

Daichi made the decision and went to find his grandfather. Kensei was in the living room enjoying tea and was reading a book when Daichi came in.

"Gramps, I've been thinking about this for a while now... And I've decided to start learning Sealing Jutsu." Daichi said.

The old ninja put the book down and looked at the Genin. "Learning the sealing arts isn't an easy task... But then again so is learning the Third step of water chakra nature and Medical ninjutsu but you did it... Are you sure you want to focus your energy on this instead of strengthening your other areas?"

"Yes." Daichi gave a firm nod and Kensei stood and motioned Daichi to follow him. The two quickly made their way to the man's library and Kensei began to take a few books and scrolls from the shelf. He handed them to his grandson and spoke.

"These will help you. Once you learn the basics you can become better at it with practice."

Daichi nodded and took the book and scrolls to his room. He closed the door and began his journey into the new field. He looked at the titles of the numerous books and scrolls.

'Basic sealing, Understanding sealing jutsu, Fundamentals of a seal & its functions and methods, Sealing Variables and Conditional logics, Specialized Sealing knowledge, Intermediate Sealing Skills, Advanced sealing arts...'

Daichi looked at the titles more carefully and a thought came to his mind. 'These titles... They remind me of computer programming... Hmm... Now that I think about it, this is similar to programming.'

Daichi had learned a bit about programming in his previous life due to his academy curriculum. He began comparing the two and found many similarities.

'Sealing jutsu in this universe is a type of ninja technique that involves sealing objects, living beings, chakra and other wide variety of materials into another object. This concept could be metaphorically compared to certain aspects of programming. But still this is just an abstract comparison.'

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