Chapter 286 - Interrogating Mizuki 01

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The whole room was quiet as they stared at Daichi.

"To experiment on Lady Tsunade. His own former teammate? Do you really think he'd go that far?" Inoichi asked in a small tone.

It was Ibiki who replied to the Yamanaka clan head. "Orochimaru is known for his cruel experiments and thirst for power. He might have taken Lady Tsunade for her incredible medical knowledge and her unique chakra control abilities... But it's also possible he intends to use her as an experiment." Ibiki remembered what happened to Anko and knew that Orochimaru was not above using his own former teammate for his own gains.

"Damn it. To think something like this could happen..." Genma knew that soon the world would know what happened and if the Leaf village lost someone like Tsunade it would make the other countries bold and they would try to take advantage of the situation.

At that moment Hiruzen sighed tiredly. He clenched his fists and looked down at them as he spoke. "This is all my fault."

Genma shook his head as he looked at the kage. "Lord Hokage. You can't blame yourself for something-"

"His eyes... They always had malice and ambition hidden behind them... Almost hidden. I had seen it... But I pretended not to notice. His strength and talent. He was the sort of student that came once in a generation."

Everyone had their attention on Hiruzen. Daichi slightly narrowed his eyes as he looked at the old leader. 'Yes. If you hadn't let him escape this wouldn't be happening. So you have a blame in this as well... But then again... this didn't happen before in canon... So I have to take responsibility as well...'

Hiruzen leaned back in his chair and let out a breath as he looked at his people present. "Even though Lord Hashirama brought peace by creating this village, it wasn't true peace. It was still a brutal time filled with war and darkness. We needed shinobi like him. I thought that if I kept training him, I could make him walk the right path. I once believed that he would be the one worthy to succeed me. I was too naive... It was my weakness that brought all this upon us now... This is all on me..."

Everyone was silent as they heard the kage's admission.

Suddenly Hiruzen's eyes sharpened. "But I can't dwell on the past. I'm going to correct that mistake when I meet Orochimaru. But before that we're going to rescue Tsunade and Shizune no matter what."

The Hokage looked at the sole Genin in the room and spoke. "If Orochimaru wanted Tsunade for her medical skills then it would be for something extremely serious. And Tsunade would no doubt know that she needs to stall for as long as she can. But on the other hand even if he's using her for some kind of experiment he won't let her live for long. I estimate at most 4 or maybe 5 days before Orochimaru takes drastic measures. Do you concur with my theory Daichi?"

Daichi was inwardly impressed at Hiruzen's deduction. "Yes. I've come to a similar conclusion as well."

"Then we better find Lady Tsunade quickly." Kakashi who entered the room suddenly spoke up. Behind him came Asuma Sarutobi, Might Guy, Shibi Aburame, Tsume Inuzuka, her ninja dog partner and Kogamu Hyuga.

"Is it true dad? Did Orochimaru really..." Asuma asked.

Hiruzen merely nodded his head.

"To think that bastard has the balls to do something so audacious... We can't let him just do what he wants, Lord Hokage." Tsume spoke up. Tsunade had healed and saved her life when she was young and a new chunin. She would never forget that day and had wowed to repay her.

"I will personally deal with Orochimaru when I find him." Hiruzen replied in a hard tone. "But right now our goal is to find Tsunade and her apprentice and rescue them safely. Your mission is to get to their last known location and see if you can track them from there. According to what Shizune wrote there were multiple enemies. So you might have to split into separate teams. If you find them your priority is to rescue Tsunade and Shizune and retreat."

The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima [Vol. 02]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat