Chapter 268 - A Prisoner's Choice

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Even as Sasuke was falling to the ground, Daichi's Parallel Processing skill showed him several simulations of events that might happen should the Uchiha die. The fear that Daichi felt wasn't because he sensed a danger or threat to his life but because of what his mind showed him. Of the events that might take place.

'Not good. If Sasuke dies, that news will reach Itachi and he will definitely take action and retaliate against the village. He sacrificed his own clan to keep his brother safe. When he finds out the village failed to keep their end of the deal... And that's just one problem. Orochimaru won't be pleased when he finds out about the death of his next vessel. He might attack early or he might directly attack the Hokage. And when the other villages find out what happened tonight they won't just sit back and watch as well.'

Daichi's senses were keeping a close watch on the movements of the three prisoners nearby.

'To them we lost control of our prison, and couldn't even keep the last Uchiha safe within our own walls. The Mist village won't be a problem. They have their own civil war to deal with. But The Hidden Sand village will definitely be looking for any weaknesses we might show. They will take a wait and see approach after making a cost benefit analysis. But with the financial situation they are in now, if a war starts they will definitely switch sides. The Cloud Village and the Stone village will definitely probe our defenses. Small border skirmishes will soon turn into big ones and before long war will break out. And with Itachi wanting to take revenge in the mix, things will turn chaotic fast.'

Daichi's eyes moved to the panicking Naruto who was near the falling Uchiha.

'That's not mentioning what that bastard Obito might do. If a war breaks out he will definitely use it to his advantage. He could initiate his plans early and capture the tailed beasts. Itachi would be grieving and there is a chance Obito could take advantage of Itachi in such a situation... This is why the system said destruction of the Leaf village in its quest if I failed... All because of one death.'

With the final simulation Daichi instantly knew the source of his fear. The worst scenario that could happen.

'If all the Tailed beasts are joined in the Gedo statue before I'm ready, then Kaguya will be born and it will be the end...'


Sasuke's body hit the ground and was without any movements.

Daichi gritted his teeth as he looked at the scene. 'Damn it all. What the hell happened here today?'


Leaf Village: Several hours ago.

In the Leaf Prison a man was sitting in a small cell with his arms folded and his eyes closed. To most he would seem asleep but the man was carefully keeping track of time.

He had broad shoulders, a powerful physique and shoulder length black hair. He was over six feet tall and had a somewhat light skin. He had a narrow chin and forehead but had wide cheekbones giving his face a diamond shape. He had on a standard prison uniform and was calmly sitting in his cell.

Slowly he opened his eyes and let out a deep breath of air. 'It's almost time. The Genin exams must have ended by now. It won't be long before I have to make my move.'

The man's name is Zefrek. A former special Jonin of the Hidden Leaf village.

Zefrek stood from his bench and walked up to the bars of his cell. He looked into two other specific cells and saw two people standing nonchalantly but he knew they were waiting for him to take action. He gave them an almost imperceptible nod and they understood.

The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima [Vol. 02]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora