Chapter 248 - Protect the Mediator 01

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Through the thick forest in the Land of Fire three figures moved at a steady pace in a straight line formation. If anyone were to look up from the road, they would only see three shadows for a brief second before it disappeared from their view.

Kakashi was in front and Daichi was in the back while their client was in the middle. A formation used when there are minimal shinobi escorts. They had been traveling for a few minutes in silence but Ryoma decided to open a conversation with the two Leaf ninjas.

He glanced behind and spoke. "So Daichi, I heard that the next Chunin exams will be held in the Leaf. Will you be participating?"

Hearing the question Daichi discreetly glanced at Kakashi and the man just shrugged. Seeing his teacher's nonverbal reply, Daichi answered their client. "If sensei nominates me then yeah. I'll take part in the exams."

Ryoma nodded his head and gazed forward as he leapt off another branch.

At that moment Kakashi asked a question to his client. "Did you specifically ask for us for this mission? I remember you telling us that you recognized us when we met."

Daichi thought about the reason why his teacher would ask that question. 'Normally Lord Hokage wouldn't give B rank missions to Genins with less than a year of experience in the field. But then again I'm not most Genins. But still... It's best to know if the client has any ulterior motives.'

The middle-aged client lightly chuckled and then replied. "No no. I simply requested for a B rank mission and implied that there might be some ninjas after me. And as for recognizing the two of you... Well... You two made quite the stir when you unearthed a large hidden treasure. And then the whole mess with Lord Taji's nephew. It would be embarrassing if someone in my position didn't know the parties involved."

Kakashi nodded and the mediator looked behind. "There aren't many shinobi who could make impacts like that when they're just starting out."

"I'll take that as a compliment." Daichi said with a small grin. He decided to change the subject. "You have shinobi training but you said that you've been a mediator for over two decades. Are you a retired ninja or...?"

"Hmm... I suppose I am..." Ryoma had a slightly sad tone as he spoke. Kakashi and Daichi intently listened as the man spoke.

"Well I was born in the capital and during my childhood my father sent me to the Leaf Ninja academy to train. I wanted to be a ninja at the time you see. A few years later I became a Genin and spent two years in service. But during that period the great war was raging through the lands and my team was killed by a rogue ninja in an ambush. I was the only one to make it out alive."

"I'm sorry for your loss."

Ryoma nodded and gave a small smile. "It is the way of the shinobi. We can't change that. Anyway, I made it back to the village. I was physically unharmed. Mostly. But there were wounds that cut much deeper. After several evaluations it was deemed that I could no longer continue as a shinobi so I returned to the capital... Well, that's the abridged version of my story... Sometimes I wonder if I'm disrespecting my teammates' memories by just giving up."

Kakashi, who was listening, spoke up at that moment. "For some people continuing through this harsh life of ours and serving a cause greater than them is their way to honor the ones who sacrificed their lives for them."

The man looked down in sadness when he heard that. Kakashi looked at him and continued. "But some people honor the sacrifices made by living their life to the fullest and keeping their comrades' memories alive in their hearts. By showing that their deaths and sacrifices weren't in vain... It's different for different people. There is no shame in forging a new path in life."

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