Chapter 278 - Daichi's Request & Investigations

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Hiruzen looked at the Genin in front of him and clasped his fingers. "Speak your mind Daichi."

The Genin looked at the Hokage's calm expression and he had a feeling the old man had an inkling as to what he was going to talk about. 'I need to make sure this doesn't sound like a demand. I have to take the diplomatic approach and see where that leads me.'

"Naruto deserves to know the truth about his parents."

'So he knows. I suppose that shouldn't come as a surprise to me.' Hiruzen calmly gazed at the boy and was quiet for several seconds. Seeing that Daichi had a similar stoic face, the old man asked him a question. "I won't insult your intelligence by pretending not to know what you're talking about. I'm curious though. How did you find out?"

"I did some... extensive research during the last few years. And I did study about the human body and genetics with Lady Tsunade. Inherited traits such as eye color, hair color, shape of the cheek bones, earlobes. They're easy to identify. I found a few pictures of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki and noted the similarities between them and Naruto." Daichi decided to be straightforward and answered the kage.

"You realize that their connection to Naruto is a highly protected secret right?" Hiruzen's tone had a slight edge to it but Daichi stood firm and wasn't intimidated.

"Yes. It's why I haven't shared this with anyone but you since I found out." Daichi replied in a cool, calm tone.

Hiruzen let out a deep breath of air and leaned back in his chair. After a few moments of silence he spoke. "You're right. He deserves to know the truth. But do you think this is the correct time? Do you think he's ready right now?"

'He's testing me.' Daichi kept a calm face and after a couple seconds of silence he replied. "Right now, tonight is not the time. He already has a lot to process. But excuses can always be found to delay this conversation with him. The sooner he knows the better."

"Why do you think that?"

Daichi looked at the old man and slightly narrowed his eyes. 'This guy. Asking me a question he already knows the answer to.'

Daichi kept his thoughts to himself and indulged the Hokage. "The secret about the Nine tails was kept hidden from him. I'm assuming you were waiting to tell him about it after he reached a certain age or rank. But that didn't happen. He found out about it in one of the worst ways possible. It was only luck that everything worked out in the end... If an enemy finds out about his lineage and uses it against him in the field like today, there is a chance he might not be so lucky that time. He needs information to make informed decisions about his life..."

Hiruzen looked at the boy silently contemplating his next move. "I'm aware of the situation and I understand your concerns Daichi. But right now, the truth about Naruto's parents must remain a secret. I will tell him when he becomes stronger and more mature. This is for his own protection."

"He is strong. He is stronger than you think." Daichi said with a small tone. "Enduring the hatred of an entire community since childhood without even knowing the reason and the fact that he can still genuinely smile and be good to others... It might not seem like much from an outside perspective but that takes an unbelievable amount of willpower and strength."

Hiruzen internally sighed and his clasped palms slightly tightened. The secret about the Nine tails getting out was one of his many failures in the last decade. As Hiruzen sat quietly, Daichi's next words somewhat shocked him.

"But I guess such is life for those like him. All Jinchuriki are hated by their villages after all..." Daichi said, looking straight at the Hokage.

The old kage didn't expect the boy to know so much. 'Jinchuriki aren't exactly a secret but ordinary people and most Genins and even some Chunins shouldn't know about it.'

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