Housewarming Sex - Mihyun

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It wasn’t so much a house but rather a very large modern mansion and both Mina and Dahyun's eyes widen as they park on the lot. Because apparently Nayeon had a parking lot at her new home where many cars were already parked. They could hear the music’s bass reverberate all the way from they had exited their car.

“I thought these houses only existed on shows.” Mina eyes are still wide as Dahyun takes her hand and leads them up to the entrance.

“How does Nayeon know this many people for a housewarming?”

From where they were standing, they could see through the very large bay window that the house was filled with people, dancing, drinking, and doing other physical activities that shouldn’t be out in public.

“I’m pretty sure she put an open invite online,” Mina says and pulls up her phone to show the e-vite to Dahyun. “And you know Nayeon, always a flair for dramatics.”

They were proven right when there was an actual bouncer at the front door. He didn’t ask for ID or anything but Mina assumes he’s there just in case people get a little too rowdy.

“Oh my god.” The mansion was huge and Mina's eyes swim trying to take it all in. It didn’t have that much furniture but there was an actual dance floor in the middle of one the many living rooms complete with a DJ set up and mirror ball. There were two bars set up on opposite sides of the house and a chef’s station by the kitchen.

Dahyun seems like she’s already enjoying herself and tugs Mina towards one of the bars. “Let’s get us drunk, shall we?”

They both get the “Im Nayeon Special” which consisted of three different alcohols and a splash of something fruity. It goes through Mina pretty quickly and she’s already feeling warm and light headed as she leans against Dahyun.

“Mina!” They both jump when Nayeon appears behind them out of nowhere and pull them both into a hug. Mina gets her face squished against Nayeon's cheek. “So glad you can make it bitches. The others around here somewhere.” She looks around them briefly before clinking her cup against theirs. “But I got more people to mingle with but drink, eat, and be merry. And the bedrooms are free if you twig bitches drink too much.”

Mina and Dahyun don’t even get in a word before Nayeon is going up to another guest with the same enthusiasm.

“Nice to see you too, Nayeon!” Mina yells after her.

Dahyun just shakes her head and sips her drink.

They spend the next half hour or so finding the rest of their friends and catching up and having a pretty good time. Before Mina knows it, she’s two Im Nayeon Specials in and she’s feeling very comfortable and really wants to touch Dahyun.

“You look so hot tonight, babe,” she whispers in Dahyun's ear as they sit on a very comfortable and expensive couch. There are so many people in the house that no one pays them the slightest of attention

Dahyun turns her head and Mina notices her eyes are dilated. “You drunk, baby?”

“Psh, no.” Mina was just pleasantly buzzed. She leans in again by Dahyun's ear. “I really want you to fuck me.” She nips at Dahyun's lobe and she feels Dahyun shiver. Her eyes automatically travel to Dahyun's crotch but she stands up abruptly.

“Let’s dance.” Dahyun grabs both her hands and pulls her onto the dance floor. She twirls her around so Mina's back was to her front.

Dahyun pulls her by the hips so her ass rubs against her crotch. It’s deliberate so Mina can feel how hard she is as they move against each other. Even in the heat and crowded room, Dahyun still manages to sway to the rhythm of the music playing. No one seems to notice them so Mina rubs harder and the grip on her hip gets tighter.

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