Detention Lessons - Saida

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Advance Happy New Year Everyone


Dahyun's cock ached so much it hurt. She gulped, trying to mentally prepare herself, to get into character. She was unbelievably turned on just thinking about Sana's rather specific roleplay scenario. Even though this was Sana's fantasy they were about to play out rather than her own, Dahyun's heart thumped hard in her chest.

Sana would be the mean but innocently naive cheerleader captain that had somehow never had sex and knew nothing about it. Dahyun would be her biology teacher. Little miss Sana was a bad student, always skipping class. She would need to be taught a lesson. And Sana had stressed that in particular, she needed to be bred like a bitch in heat that didn’t understand her own body’s desires.

Dahyun was dizzy with lust just thinking about it, but she fought the urge to grab Sana and fuck her senseless on the spot here in the hallway of their house—she’d promised this wish fulfillment to Sana for her birthday. She could do this. And truly, she knew it was going to be fucking fantastic, playing out this kind of fantasy.

“Are you ready?” Dahyun asked, staring unblinkingly into Sana's lovely hazel eyes.

Sana nodded, smiling, but with the slightest tremble to her lips. Her hair was done up into cute pigtails, and the way they bounced when she nodded made Dahyun swoon. “Yes, and thank you, Dahyunie. I love you,” she said, tears of joy welling up in her eyes.

“I love you, too,” Dahyun said. She nodded toward the door. They were in their house, right outside her bedroom. “I’ll go into your study—our makeshift classroom. Come in when you’ve prepared yourself, and we’ll begin your lesson.” A safeword had been established, though she doubted it would be necessary given how much Sana wanted this. Sana had asked her up front not to go easy on her.

Sana's eyes lit up and she nodded, smoothing her cheerleader miniskirt as she opened the door for Dahyun. She walked in and glanced back at Sana, who nodded as she closed the door, mouthing another thank you that Dahyun almost missed due to staring at her ass and thighs. Dahyun thought Sana looked both excited and nervous in equal measure.

Dahyun walked toward Sana's large desk, which faced the door. “My, my, you really went all out for this,” she said to herself as she looked around the room.

A nameplate read Mrs. Kim Dahyun on the large desk. A few other basic school supplies were placed neatly on the desk, as well—a ruler, a pencil, a marker, and a notebook. She’d definitely be keeping the nameplate—just in case. A shelf off to the side had a microscope, some flasks, and petri dishes. And, perhaps most interestingly, a student desk sat in the middle of the room, facing the teacher’s desk.

Dahyun thought about bending Sana over the student desk and fucking her hard as she hurried herself to her own teacher’s desk and sat, awaiting Sana's entrance. She looked down at her outfit, reminding herself to get in character. Be stern, and fed up with Sana's antics.

She wore a tight black three piece skirt suit with a white blouse and black pantyhose. High heels and her thick black framed glasses completed the outfit—well, and underneath it all, brand new expensive lace panties and a bra. Everything was exactly to Sana's specifications, and Dahyun felt sexy as hell wearing it all for her.

After a few more minutes of pondering and trying not to rub her cock through her skirt, the door swung open, loudly ramming into the doorstop.

“You’re late,” Dahyun said, pointing up at a clock above the door. 3:43, it said. Funny, it was actually around 7:30 in the evening—Sana had really worked hard at setting everything up, almost making Dahyun smile. “And who taught you such terrible manners? Don’t go swinging doors open like you own the place!” She grabbed the ruler off the desk and pointed it at Sana. “Now sit and be quiet. Your detention is still going to last the full thirty minutes, even if you’re thirteen minutes late.”

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