The Starry Skies Of Eternity - Mihyun

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She sniffles softly. Her tears were mostly dry by now. She hugs her knees tighter to her chest before she feels a draft entering the observatory. Mina turns abruptly, struggling to see if someone had entered.


A few moments of silence later, and she starts to panick. “Who’s there?” Then into the darkness she whispers, "Sana?"

A tense pause before a low voice responded, “Just me." And the dark silhouette of a person stepped into the light of the moon and stars.


Mina sighed her relief. “Do not sneak up on me like that,” she mutters, and then turns away to wipe her eyes before Dahyun gets close enough to know that she'd been crying. Dahyun, however, kept her distance.

“Why are you here?” Mina asks, her back still turned.

“You’ve been having nightmares.”

"Not what I asked.”

“I wanted to make sure you were okay. I didn't mean to bother you. I’ll go.”

“—No don’t,” Mina blurts out before even thinking. “Stay."

Dahyun's body is half-turned, but she's looking at Mina as if trying to look through her, to understand her, to find her in the dark mire which comprised her thoughts. If only so that she might pull her back into light. Dahyun runs her fingers through her hair, and then goes to take a seat beside Mina. They sit in silence.

"Hey, Hyun?" Mina turns her head slightly to see Dahyun resting back on her hands, gazing up at the night sky.


"What are we doing?"

A pause. "I- really don't know."

Mina looks back to her hands in her lap. "Hyun."

Dahyun smirks, almost amused. "Yeah?"

"Hold me?"

Dahyun finally looks at Mina whose eyes are glistening. She thinks to say something, but when several wordless seconds pass, she decides to act instead. Folding one leg inwards, she beckons Mina to her, and the latter doesn't hesitate to crawl into the welcoming space and rest her back against Dahyun's chest. Mina breathed a sigh of relief when she felt strong hands and arms trailing along her waist. Strangely enough, it all felt so right. Being in Dahyun's arms, having her protection, it felt as natural as breathing.

Dahyun didn't mean to inhale the scent of Mina's hair, but when she did, the familiar aroma of fruity shampoo and natural oils overwhelmed her, reminding her of all the nights that they’d spent in each other’s arms—Mina's head on her chest, Dahyun's arms securely around her. All those sleepless nights. Dahyun rarely slept when Mina laid beside her. . . how could she? Would she be able to live with herself if someone or something came in the night and took her Mina, her maiden fair, somewhere far away?

It was bad anxiety, groundless worry. Dahyun knew it. But it didn’t matter. It didn't stop it from happening.

Idiot, you love her. Still.

And the worst was that Mina knew this. She knew that Dahyun still loved her, still wanted her in every way that there is to want a person.

"What are you thinking?" Mina breaks the silence as she she gently caresses Dahyun's skin.

"It's just hard."

"“—What is?"

"Never mind. It's selfish."

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