Stamina - Datzu

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Dahyun groaned as she peeled open her eyes to the glaring light seeping through the cracks between her bedroom blinds. She blinked furiously against the onslaught of light and raised a hand to block it from her sleep deprived eyes.

Dahyun smiled at that a little because, yes, she was sleep deprived and while the reason behind being so sleep deprived was an amazing one that most people could only dream off, Dahyun was actually quite exhausted and still surprised by how much stamina the woman, curled up behind her, clutching onto her for dear life had. How much stamina her girlfriend had to keep going and going and going and going and going and - the point was made.

"Mmm, so bright."

Dahyun's smile grew bigger as her girlfriend, Tzuyu, snuggled in deeper, hiding her own eyes in the back of her neck. She had known her girlfriend was fit and had by far known how skilled she was but last night had been something else, had been a testament to those. Surely, they had broken or set some Guiness Book record.

Previous Night

"Oh fuck, Tzuyu!" Dahyun cried out as her third orgasm of the night hit her, washing over her body like a tsunami.

Dahyun was euphoric at the feeling of her body shaking in relief as she rode her girlfriends hips and thick meat in desperation, head thrown back and eyes squeezed shut as the woman underneath her imitated the blonde's actions. She rolled her hips forward and moaned at the fulfilling sensation of her own orgasm. Her body felt on fire and it was as if she had lightning running through her veins and tripping through her nerves. She slowly drew to a stop and in her delirious state she felt Tzuyu's grip on her hips loosen a little and felt the woman flip the two of them over until the brown haired woman was on top and Dahyun was on her back, legs bent at the knees and feet resting flat on the bed with Tzuyu settled firmly between them.

"I'm not done yet," Tzuyu informed her girlfriend.

Dahyun felt Tzuyu return to pumping her hips forward, slowly and mewled at the feeling of Tzuyu sliding in and out of her, stretching her in a delicious way that the brown haired woman only could. She reached up and circled her arms around Tzuyu's neck bringing the woman down and into a kiss that had the blonde drawing her girlfriends bottom lip in between her own, nipping lightly on them as Tzuyu's tongue came skimming across her own bottom lip. She opened her mouth and granted her entrance and together they were in sync, a familiar dance of tongues and lips that would never grow old for either of them. A few moments of the kiss passed and it gradually grew more intense with each passing second and as Dahyun's hands locked around each of her own wrists, her arms hanging loosely from Tzuyu's neck, she raised her legs and wrapped them around the woman above hers waist and stuttered out another, smaller orgasm when she felt Tzuyu slide deeply inside her, slowly and methodically.

It was absolute torture the way, Tzuyu paid the quite and slow attention to her, ensuring that she could feel every inch of the woman as she slipped inside of her, the head popping through wet lips and gliding every so achingly slowly, deeper inside of her until the woman above her's hips were joined to the blonde's.

"Oh my Go-" Dahyun rasped tearing her lips away from Tzuyu's as her breath caught in her throat in response to her girlfriend's action, her own arms tightening around the woman's neck as her hips lifted to join the brown haired woman's above her.

Tzuyu grunted when she felt herself slide completely inside the other woman. She had never lived anything better then being inside of her girlfriend; feeling the woman stretch around her to accommodate her girth, listening to the low rumbles or high pitched sounds her girlfriend would make during, after and when she came and watching her girlfriends face during, after and when she hit that high. It was an erotic and absolutely stunning thing to behold and be apart of, to be the cause of.

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